

Heliyon, Volume 6, December 2020

Alzheimer poses lots of challenges in Low and Middle Income Countries, especially in Nigeria. Globally, the causes of Alzheimer are poorly understood.
Elsevier, Women's Studies International Forum, Volume 83, 1 November 2020
This paper provides a critical feminist analysis of seven policies relating to gender equality in the agriculture sector of Ethiopia. A review of 22 major documents that outline legislation and policy frame the feminist analysis. Despite the strong commitment of the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) toward gender equality and gender mainstreaming, many of the policies analyzed do not integrate gender equality as a priority for the growth and development of the country and do not adequately mainstream gender.
This book chapter advances SDG #3 and #10 by focusing on mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), especially the 5xFAD line.
COVID-19 testing in Africa has so far been limited to larger cities because of how the tests are conducted, which means that it is far more difficult to test those in remote and rural areas where there are higher rates of poverty. The United Nations’ Global Goal 3 promotes good health and well-being for all, and this can only be achieved if all people in all places have access to health care and virus testing.

Background: Approximately 2·8 billion people are exposed to household air pollution from cooking with polluting fuels. Few monitoring studies have systematically measured health-damaging air pollutant (ie, fine particulate matter [PM2·5] and black carbon) concentrations from a wide range of cooking fuels across diverse populations. This multinational study aimed to assess the magnitude of kitchen concentrations and personal exposures to PM2·5 and black carbon in rural communities with a wide range of cooking environments.

This paper highlights the impact of plastic polluntion in Nigeria and the urgent need to recycle plastics to create wealth opportunity.
This study investigated the drying behaviour of purple-speckled Cocoyam and the effect of drying temperature (40 °C, 60 °C and 75 °C), slice thickness (4 mm, 7 mm and 10 mm) and pre-treatments (blanching in boiling water for 3 min, blanching in boiling water for 3 min followed by dipping in 0.1 per cent sodium metabisulfite for 5 min) and non-pre-treated slices. The process and quality criteria under consideration included the total drying time, rehydration ratio, colour difference, browning index and specific energy consumption.
This book chapter advances SDG 3 and 10 by reviewing the literature on culture and family-based psychological interventions for schizophrenia, bipolar, and related (SBR) psychotic spectrum disorder.

Journal of Business Venturing, Volume 35, July 2020

In this paper, we revisit the entrepreneurship and poverty relationship under a eudaimonic perspective that brings together conversion factors, and future prosperity expectations. Based on an fsQCA of changes in life circumstances of 166 farm households in rural Kenya, we explore how different combinations of conversion factors enable distinct forms of entrepreneuring in the pursuit of prosperity.

Pathways towards a defossilated sustainable power system for West Africa within the time horizon of 2015–2050 is researched, by applying linear optimisation modelling to determine the cost optimal generation mix to meet the demand based on assumed costs and technologies in 5-year intervals. Six scenarios were developed, which aimed at examining the impact of various policy constraints such as cross-border electricity trade and greenhouse gas emissions costs.
