
Increasing interest in deep-seabed mining has raised many questions surrounding its potential environmental impacts and how to assess the impacts’ significance. Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the International Seabed Authority (ISA) is charged with ensuring effective protection of the marine environment as part of its responsibilities for managing mining in seabed areas beyond national jurisdiction (the Area) on behalf of humankind.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT), and questioning youth represent a diverse population who are affected by many sexual health inequities, including increased risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). To provide comprehensive sexual health care for LGBT youth, providers should set the stage with a nonjudgmental, respectful tone. Providers should be competent in recognizing symptoms of STIs and HIV and aware of the most up-to-date screening guidelines for LGBT youth.

Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, Volume 20, 1 December 2016

Aquaponics is an innovative smart and sustainable production system for integrating aquaculture with hydroponic vegetable crops, that can play a crucial role in the future of environmental and socio-economic sustainability in smart cities. These cities aim mobilize all knowledge centers and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) into innovation hubs in order to strengthen the socio-economic progress.

Rights App

RightsApp is a free, quick reference guide to international human rights law. LexisNexis collaborated with the Australian Human Rights Commission to develop RightsApp, the world’s first mobile application that allows users to quickly and easily search international human rights conventions and declarations by topic, right and country. Providing information about human rights is a vital pillar of target SDG 16.10 to ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms.


Zakim and Boyer's Hepatology (Seventh Edition), A Textbook of Liver Disease, 2018, Pages 77-83.e5

This chapter aligns with the SDG goal 3 of good health and wellbeing by showing the liver's response to injury including inflammation and fibrosis responses.
[Figure presented]Profs. Nik Kaltsoyannis and Steve Liddle joined the University of Manchester School of Chemistry in 2015 as co-directors of the Centre for Radiochemistry Research after having previously held chairs at, respectively, University College London and the University of Nottingham. They are also heads of computational and inorganic chemistry, respectively. Each has published ∼150 research articles, reviews, and book chapters and has extensive experience in f-element chemistry. Prof.
The detection of pharmaceuticals and endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs), known as emerging contaminants (ECs), in the environment has attracted growing concern due to their toxicity and potential hazard to the ecosystems and humans. These contaminants are consumed at high quantities worldwide and they are released deliberately or accidentally into the water resources. The conventional treatment technologies that use biological processes cannot effectively remove these contaminants.

Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 27, 1 November 2016

Water harvesting is an ancient practice that has been used, mainly in dry environments, to increase efficiency of water collection and use by directing water from a large natural watershed or man-made collection surface into a small basin where the water can be stored in underground reservoirs or to be used directly for irrigation or domestic uses. In modern era water harvesting has been neglected, particularly at the developed countries, due to the technological achievements in the fields of water production and transport.

World map of the 142 cities in the UrbMet database.

The sustainability of urban water systems is often compared in small numbers of cases selected as much for their familiarity as for their similarities and differences. Few studies examine large urban datasets to conduct comparisons that identify unexpected similarities and differences among urban water systems and problems. This research analyzed a dataset of 142 cities that includes annual per capita water use (m3/yr/cap) and population. It added a 0.5 ° grid annual water budget value (P-PET/yr) as an index of hydroclimatic water supply.
