
Background: Synthetic biology is an emerging multidisciplinary area of research with the potential to deliver various novel agrifood applications. Its long-term adoption and commercialisation will depend on the extent to which the public accept synthetic biology and its different applications. Scope and approach: A mapping review of existing research on public perceptions of, and attitudes towards, synthetic biology and its applications to agriculture and food production was conducted.

We focus on how interpersonal characteristics should influence leader support for gender equity in organizations. Recognizing gender disparities in organizations and the “labyrinth” that women face when they advance in their careers (cf. Eagly & Carli, 2007), we develop a model for how interpersonal characteristics of leaders, both men and women, influence power construal and thus their use of empowerment, mentoring, and performance feedback, ultimately affecting career opportunities for women in organizations.

The #SDGBookClub helps children learn about the Sustainable Development Goals. The book club presents a selection of books for children aged 5-12 on each of the goals. Check out the books that have been selected in support of Goal 5 - Gender Equality.

One Earth, Volume 1, 20 September 2019

This article supports SDG 13 and 9 by investigating financial decision being made utilizing climate-risk assessments

Encyclopedia of Environmental Helath, Second Edition, 2019, Pages 569-577

This book chapter addresses SDG3 and 10 by investigating how Environmental Justice (EJ) is concerned with the fair distribution amongst social groups of environmental quality.
This report represents more than a decade of research on sustainable business. Together with the UN Global Compact Progress Report, it forms the world’s most comprehensive research to date on business contribution to the SDGs, advancing Goals 12 and 17.
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation graphic showing key metrics for research into clean water and sanitation
The latest analysis of SDG-supporting research focusses on SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation. This graphic shows key metrics for research into clean water and sanitation.

Environmental Challenge, August 2019.

RELX, a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers, has announced the winners of the 2019 RELX Environmental Challenge. The Challenge supports innovative solutions to improve SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation).
Linking to SDGs 6 (clean water and sanitation), 12 (responsible consumption and production) and 17 (partnerships for the goals), this website catalogues and facilitates water stewardship projects in river basins and regions around the world.

Encyclopedia of Environmental Health (Second Edition), 2011, Pages 327-334

This chapter analyses the complex influence of climate change on vector borne diseases. It is perhaps expected that climate change will be invoked as a major driving force. The actual effect, however, is highly site specific suggesting that other factors play an equally important role.
