

Adolescent Dating Violence: Theory, Research, and Prevention, 2018, Pages 25-51

Advancing SDGs 3 and 5, this chapter discusses the theories behind partner abuse and the implications of these for prevention planning.
This chapter addresses SDG5, SDG10, and SDG16 by examining inequality through the lense of individuals' positions of advantage or disadvantage of a social hierarchy and how that influences their propensity toward agency and communion.
A still from the film 'Landline' showing a young farmer doing maintenance on his Land Rover
In the traditional farming community many homosexual farmers are struggling in silence with their sexuality. In a profession where suicide rates are among the highest in the UK, a new film is aiming to break the silence. This helps support SDG 3 (good health and well-being) and SDG 10 (reduced inequalities).

Sexual Assault Risk Reduction and Resistance: Theory, Research, and Practice, 2018, Pages 175-193

Researchers have found a variety of effective treatments for individuals with sexual assault histories, particularly for those presenting with posttraumatic stress disorder, depending on their mental health presentations. However, many individuals may not be aware of these resources. Contributing to SDGs 3 and 5, this chapter discusses how sexual assault risk reduction and resistance education programming is an excellent setting to provide individuals with these resources for themselves or to share with friends and/or family.
Three different programs designed to increase women’s ability to recognize, avoid, and resist sexual assault have demonstrated success in reducing sexual violence in college populations.Contributing to SDGs 3 and 5, this chapter describes and analyses these three programs (the Ohio University Sexual Assault Risk Reduction Program, the Enhanced Assess, Acknowledge, Act Sexual Assault Resistance Program, and the Self-Defense from the Inside Out program).

Elsevier Connect, 20 June 2018

One year ago RELX Group launched the SDG Resource Centre which features research articles, news, reports, videos, webinars, events and tools and also includes content from our UN partners. Content can be sorted by SDG, keyword, tags, geography and more. Here’s how you can use the SDG Resource Centre to find relevant content for your research or to advance sustainable development in your organisation.
Food waste is a matter intrinsically linked with the growing challenges of food security, resource and environmental sustainability, and climate change. In developed economies, the largest food waste stream occurs in the consumption stage at the end of the food chain. Current approaches for dealing with the wasted food have serious limitations. Historically, livestock animals had functioned as bio-processors, turning human-inedible or -undesirable food materials into meat, eggs, and milk.
Elsevier, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Volume 133, June 2018
Sustainable use and management of nutrients is an important issue for food, energy and water systems. The close connections between the three systems, reflected by the “nexus” concept, warrant an integrated approach to nutrients management across the nexus. In this paper, dynamic modelling of nutrient flows in a local food-energy-water system is presented and applied to a simplified case study.

The increase in population coupled with rising per capita income and associated change in consumption habits will put unprecedented stress on food, energy and water (FEW) resources. Sustainable and reliable fresh water supply is central for life and also for all sectors that support our existence. Uncertainty on water security prompted interest in investigation of renewable energy driven desalination processes. One particularly promising option is to produce fresh water from the two most abundant resources on earth: solar energy and seawater.

Successful Food-energy-water (FEW) nexus projects will be more likely to succeed if a transdisciplinary approach is used. Ecological modernization (ecological technology) policies and practices, and sustainable supply chains influence the FEW nexus from a commerce and industry perspective. Taking these perspectives and considering their intertwined linkages is important for advancing research and adoption of FEW nexus efforts. This paper provides an overview of these perspectives and interlinkages.
