
Elsevier, The Lancet, Volume 387, 11 June 2016
Background Young people's health has emerged as a neglected yet pressing issue in global development. Changing patterns of young people's health have the potential to undermine future population health as well as global economic development unless timely and effective strategies are put into place. We report the past, present, and anticipated burden of disease in young people aged 10–24 years from 1990 to 2013 using data on mortality, disability, injuries, and health risk factors.
Elsevier, Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, Volume 6, June 01, 2016
As part of the transition to a future power grid, distribution systems are undergoing profound changes evolving into Active Distribution Networks (ADNs). The presence of dispersed generation, local storage systems and responsive loads in these systems incurs severe impacts on planning and operational procedures. This paper focuses on the compelling problem of optimal operation and control of ADNs, with particular reference to voltage regulation and lines congestion management.

Transportation Geotechnics, Volume 7, 1 June 2016

Transportation geotechnics associated with constructing and maintaining properly functioning transportation infrastructure is a very resource intensive activity. Large amounts of materials and natural resources are required, consuming proportionately large amounts of energy and fuel. Thus, the implementation of the principles of sustainability is important to reduce energy consumption, carbon footprint, greenhouse gas emissions, and to increase material reuse/recycling, for example.


Forensic Psychology of Spousal Violence, 2016, Pages 33-43

There have been various ways on how to address the practice of violence in a spousal environment. Linked to SDGs 3 and 5, this chapter presents an approach to violence that is split into three paths, namely physical, psychological and sexual violence. Psychological violence includes stalking, financial abuse and social isolation. However, the authors emphasise that these are just categories of study and analysis and in real life, they coexist within aggression.

Forensic Psychology of Spousal Violence, 2016, Pages 45-59

Spousal violence carries within itself a set of consequences that go beyond bruises, hematomas or other physical injuries. However, very little attention has been given to the psychological impact of spousal violence due to a generated common idea that violence is only serious when it leaves bruises or exposed fractures. Furthering SDGs 3 and 5, this chapter emphasises the impact that violence represents in terms of mood, anxiety and even post-traumatic stress.

Forensic Psychology of Spousal Violence, 2016, Pages 97-114

Contributing to SDGs 3 and 5, this chapter discusses how spousal violence interventions must be interdisciplinary, integrated, and coordinated to be effective and avoid secondary victimisation.
Elsevier, Computers and Geotechnics, Volume 75, May 01, 2016
Energy geotechnics involves the use of geotechnical principles to understand and engineer the coupled thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical processes encountered in collecting, exchanging, storing, and protecting energy resources in the subsurface. In addition to research on these fundamental coupled processes and characterization of relevant material properties, applied research is being performed to develop analytical tools for the design and analysis of different geo-energy applications.
Elsevier, The Lancet, Volume 387, 14 May 2016
Conceived in 2003 and born in 2005 with the launch of its first report and country profiles, the Countdown to 2015 for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Survival has reached its originally proposed lifespan. Major reductions in the deaths of mothers and children have occurred since Countdown's inception, even though most of the 75 priority countries failed to achieve Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5. The coverage of life-saving interventions tracked in Countdown increased steadily over time, but wide inequalities persist between and within countries.
Elsevier, The Lancet, Volume 387, 7 May 2016
Background One of the most important consequences of climate change could be its effects on agriculture. Although much research has focused on questions of food security, less has been devoted to assessing the wider health impacts of future changes in agricultural production. In this modelling study, we estimate excess mortality attributable to agriculturally mediated changes in dietary and weight-related risk factors by cause of death for 155 world regions in the year 2050.
Elsevier, The Lancet, Volume 387, 28 May 2016
Background Physical inactivity is a global pandemic responsible for over 5 million deaths annually through its effects on multiple non-communicable diseases. We aimed to document how objectively measured attributes of the urban environment are related to objectively measured physical activity, in an international sample of adults. Methods We based our analyses on the International Physical activity and Environment Network (IPEN) adult study, which was a coordinated, international, cross-sectional study.
