

One Earth, Volume 6, 17 November 2023

The paper underscores the urgency of addressing climate change's impact on biodiversity through transboundary conservation efforts, offering guidelines for designing climate-smart marine protected area (MPA) networks in regions like the California Bight, highlighting the need for international coordination to ensure effective protection and adaptation strategies for vulnerable species and ecosystems.

The Lancet HIV, Volume 10, March 2023, E164-E174

Improvements in diagnosis and treatment are enabling people with HIV to liver longer; this study seeks to understand the evolution of comorbidities in an ageing cohort of people with HIV.

eClinicalMedicine, Volume 65, November 2023

Previous studies have shown that people with HIV are at an increased risk of non-communicable diseases, this systematic review and meta-analysis collates data from 188 studies done in 21 sub-Saharan Africa countries and shows that people with HIV have an increased incidence of multiple NCDs, including hypertension, diabetes, and cervical cancer. Although more research is needed, this results highlight the need for improved treatment and prentative approaches to minimise the risk of people with HIV also developing non-comminicable diseases. Good health and wellbeing should not solely be focused on HIV managment; this study shows the growing risk of other diseases that have to be mitigated.
As artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning become increasingly embedded in recruiting and hiring processes, employers must be aware of the potential discrimination risks these tools can pose. This article relates to SDGs 5, 8, and 10

The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, Volume 34, November 2023

This Article supports SDG13 as it shows that not only short-term exposures to ambient ozone concentrations have health consequences but also long-term exposures.

Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 196, November 2023

In this context, the present study has a primary research objective: to develop a research agenda for entrepreneurial action, identifying key aspects related to STI and the SDGs, and to explore how both concepts are interconnected.

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 118, November 2023

The environmental burden of food consumption is high in affluent countries like Sweden, and the global food system is accountable for between 21 and 37% of the total anthropogenic global greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE). This paper claims that interventions to improve dietary intake and reduce dietary greenhouse gas emissions (dGHGE) are urgently needed and that adolescence presents a unique time in life to promote sustainable diets. Conclucsion are that food choices and dGHGE per calorie differ by sex in adolescents. Thus, intervention strategies to improve dietary sustainability need to be tailored differently to females and males. Diet quality should also be considered when promoting reduced GHGE diets.

Advances in Nutrition, Volume 14, November 2023

Improving diet quality while simultaneously maintaining planetary health is of critical interest globally. Despite the shared motivation, advancement remains slow, and the research community continues to operate in silos, focusing on certain pairings (diet–climate), or with a discipline-specific lens of a sustainable diet, rather than examining their totality. This review aims to summarize the literature on adherence to a priori defined dietary patterns in consideration of diet quality, metabolic risk factors for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), environmental impacts, and affordability.

Patterns, Volume 4, 10 November 2023

Contextualizes discussions about future rights for AI agents in the context of the women rights and other civil rights movements. Brandeis Marshall, a leading voice in ethical and equitable AI, argues that we must focus first on building a social framework for AI that protects humans and their rights.

Heliyon, Volume 9, October 2023

This study focused on the HJRB, the location of the world's largest inter-basin water transfer project, as the study area.
