

Cell Genomics, Volume 3, 12 April 2023

Sea urchins are one of the most amenable model systems in developmental biology and they have enabled major discoveries. In this study, the authors investigated how conserved the genomic and regulatory architecture is between P. lividus, other sea urchins, and chordates. By integrating genomic and regulatory datasets, they demonstrated how regulatory changes could be associated with the origin of the novel body plan of urchins and other echinoderms.

Data in Brief, Volume 47, April 2023

The survey presented here was conducted to better understand public perceptions of climate change, human impacts and the value and management of marine and coastal ecosystems.

Environmental and Experimental Botany, Volume 208, April 2023, 

This study contributes to Goal 15 - Life on Land because it shows that tree growth to temperature change is a combination of short-term plastic and long-term adaptive reactions, and it suggests a limited adaptation to climate warming of trees growing at high altitudes. Such studies remind us that Life on Land as we know it currently will only be possible through conservation of natural ecosystems.

Heliyon, Volume 9, April 2023

This article analyses the practice of indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms in building a culture of peace in Ethiopia.

International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, Volume 23, 1 April 2023

The study shows that resource variables are relevant for understanding the situation of cancer patients. Clinicians who notice low levels of sense of coherence, resilience, or optimisms in their patients will be better prepared for identifying patients in need for interventions. Especially younger patients deserve special attention.

eClinicalMedicine, Volume 58, April 2023

This Article supports SDG 3 by providing the first comprehensive review of the global burden of hepatis B and C in people with tuberculosis, through a systematic review and meta-analysis including 127 studies. The review found a high prevalence of these infections in this patient population, showing the need for routine hepatitis testing at the point of diagnosis of tuberculosis.

The Lancet Public Health, Volume 8, April 2023

This Article supports SDG 3 by analysing several cohorts of people with HIV/HCV co-infection across 6 high-income countries, and identifying that a substantial proportion had not commenced direct-acting antiviral treatment for HCV infection despite unrestricted access. Factors associated with commencement or lack thereof are explored; for example, people with indicators of low engagement with HIV care (eg, not on antiretroviral therapy) were more likely not to have commenced HCV direct-acting antiviral treatment)

Disability and Health Journal, Volume 16, April 2023

This article, which has international appeal, covers disability justice and health and therefore advances the UN SDG goals 3 (good health and wellbeing), 10 (reduced inequalities).

Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 191, June 2023, 114922

This review will spur more investigations on microplastic ingestion in historical specimens to establish reference points and determine temporal trends for microplastic pollution of the environment.
