The aim of the conference is to examine the evolving expectations, available solutions, measurements and best practices associated with the optimization of research strategies. The theme of the 2017 conference will be "Universities and the Power of Data — Science for a Sustainable Society" and will focus on crucial areas such as sustainability, diversity, and the Power of Data in research. The event helps to advance SDG 4 Quality education and SDG 10 Reduced inequalities.
In the UK, average income growth fell to just 0.7% in the year running up to the general election in June, research from think tank the Resolution Foundation has found. The data illustrates the challenges faced by target SDG 10.1 to progressively achieve and sustain income growth of the bottom 40 per cent of the population at a rate higher than the national average.

Chronic Kidney Disease in Disadvantaged Populations, 2017, Pages 209-217

This book chapter advances SDGs 3 and 10 by providing a summary of recent studies of the relation of poverty to chronic kidney disease and related outcomes.
This book chapter advances SDGs 3 and 10 by ensuring equitable access to medications, technologies and clinical care are central to service delivery for effective screening, prevention and kidney disease management.
This book presents the country development diagnostics post-2015 framework, developed by the World Bank Group to assess the country-level implications of the post-2015 global agenda, as well as brief, ‘at-a-glance’ applications of the framework to ten countries: Ethiopia, Jamaica, the Kyrgyz Republic, Liberia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines, Senegal, and Uganda.
Elsevier published Sustainability Science in a Global Landscape which analysed the sustainability science research according to six themes: Dignity, People, Prosperity, Planet, Justice, and Partnership. Key data has since been updated covering 2011 to 2015 for the top 15 countries  in sustainability science output.

World Travel Market, Responsible Tourism Blog, June 2017

Tourism and hospitality are labour intensive, with 8% of the global workforce employed in the sector. The critique of employment conditions in the sector is deeply rooted, low remuneration, anti-social hours, insecurity, limited access to training and poor career progression are charges regularly levelled at the industry. The World Responsible Tourism Awards showcases many examples of companies choosing to have inclusive labour practices.
Elsevier, Psychiatric Clinics of North America, Volume 40, June 2017
Although sexual minority women (SMW) and transgender women have become increasingly visible in recent years and have made progress in achieving civil rights, they continue to face significant levels o
Participants of the GenderInSITE-Elsevier Foundation workshop in Buenos Aires (left to right): Louise Morley, María Bustelo, Eve Langelier, Judith Zubieta, Alice Abreu, Mary Murphy, Liisa Husu, Maxime Forest, Gloria Bonder, Rachel Palmen, Beatriz Macedo,
Gender InSITE is an international initiative to promote the role of women in science, innovation, technology and engineering - supporting the goal of SDG target 10, Reduced Inequalities. The Elsevier Foundation has been a long-time advisor and supporter of GenderInSITE, most recently providing a $40,000 grant for two thematic workshops in 2017: one addressing Latin America, exploring how a gender perspective in science education is indispensable to a sustainable development and the second in the South African region focusing on Gender and Innovation.
This chapter advances SDGs 3, 10, and 16 by focusing particularly on the evolutionary/cognitive explanations of racial categorization.
