This chapter aligns with Goal 14: Life below water and Goal 15: Life on land by addressing how the pandemic has halted the progress of the sustainable development goals, including how the improper disposal of COVID-19-associated wastes, such as medical equipment, plastics, masks, and gloves, is a threat to both the lives on land and below water.
This book chapter advances SDGs 2, 12, and 15 by explaining how those engaged in agriculture must begin to examine and expand agriculture’s ethical horizon—the full range or widest limit of our perception, interest, appreciation, knowledge, and experience. It is necessary to explore agriculture’s intellectual horizon, because our unexamined, ethical position, may limit what agriculture’s ethical horizon defines. This book will encourage those involved in all phases of the agricultural enterprise to initiate and continue discussion of agriculture’s ethical foundation.
This content aligns with Goal 15: Life on Land by exploring the fossil history, phylogeny, and diversity of crocodilians.
This book chapter advances SDGs 13, 15, and 17 by explaining how conservation of species in the wild by creating sanctuaries is most successful if aspects of behavior such as territoriality, dispersal, and migration are factored into sanctuary design.
This book chapter advances SDGs 2, 13, and 15 by summarizing the impact of high temperature on wheat production, physiological traits contributing to heat tolerance, and how to integrate new tools such as trascriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and ionomics with plant breeding.
This book chapter advances SDGs 9, 13, and 15 by highlighting coastal management problems related to the reclamation process that have been addressed through geoinformatics. The findings of the study carried out offer a detailed overview of the quantity and quality of research materials reported thus far on the subject of the recycling process, remote sensing, and Geographical Information System innovations.
As the rapid development of population leads to increasing demand for food and land resources, issues such as deforestation, land restoration from lakes, and the recuperation of grassland can lead to a ferocious cycle. This chapter reviews issues and challenges of the land reclamation process and strategic solutions proposed for its sustainable development.
This book chapter advances SDGs 9, 13, and 15 by using several economic indicators of sustainable resource management to help answer questions such as what extent is it possible to know whether the available resources are being managed in a sustainable way? Could it be said that current generations are using the resources to meet their needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own?
This book chapter advances SDGs 11, 13 and 15 by discussing how arctic natives learned to cope with their environments but are now faced with the threat of the climate crisis.
The Atlantic Walrus, Multidisciplinary insights into human-animal interactions, 2021, Pages 251-262
This book chapter advances SDGs 13, 14, and 15 by presenting an overview of the current management requirements regarding the hunting of Atlantic walruses. It highlights how management and regulation occur across local, national, regional and international levels and the importance of effective collaboration between hunters, scientists and managers for successful conservation.