Mental and Behavioral Health of Immigrants in the United States, Cultural, Environmental, and Structural Factors, 2020, Pages 219-252
This chapter advances SDGs 3 and 10 by addressing the prevalence of mental disorders among the ethnic minority groups (African American, Latinx, and Asian American) in the United States according to immigration status.
Alzheimer's disease may cause respiratory disorders. Levothyroxine can reduce lung inflammation and oxidative stress. Treatment with Levothyroxine may partially improve Alzheimer's disease.
This book chapter advances SDG 3 and 10 by providing information on various culturally sensitive methods to assess and treat mental health conditions onset by factors contributing to the immigration process for adolescents, adults, and older adults.
Findings from multiple studies link acculturation processes to the psychological and behavioral health of Latino immigrant population in the United States. A critical factor impacting this relation is the context of reception where immigrants settle. Several studies of acculturation have been conducted in traditional receiving contexts, and less attention has been paid to Latino immigrants in emerging contexts. In this chapter, we have discussed how traditional and emerging contexts of reception can confer very different experiences to Latino immigrants, and their significant implications for Latino immigrant health. Further, given the recent influx of crisis migrants from Central America, we have discussed receiving contexts for these newest Latino immigrants to the United States and demonstrated how such contexts might impact their psychological and behavioral health. We concluded with a discussion of implications for the development of policy, as well as culturally specific prevention and intervention programs for Latino immigrants.
Multidisciplinary analytical techniques allow us to examine the presence and behaviour of pollutants in complex atmospheric, terrestrial, aquatic, and living compartments of ecosystems. This book chapter advances SDGs 6, 13 and 15.
This book chapter advances SDG 3 and 6 by describing properties of water and importance of water to biomaterials and biology.
This chapter advances goals 3 and 5 by examining female eating behaviors and solutions on helping women achieve healthier lifestyles.
This chapter addresses goal 3 by discussing music processing in dementia and the development of musical therapies.
Three Facets of Public Health and Paths to Improvements: Behavior, Culture, and Environment, 2020, Pages 261-294
This book chapter advances SDG 5, 8 and 10 by explaining how the outsized role of women caregivers is attributed to historical, cultural, and social perspectives on gender and caregiving that perpetuate the gender inequalities in unpaid care work. In this chapter, the authors analyze women in unpaid work considering two regions: The United States and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
This book chapter advances SDGs 3 and 14 by discussing the exposome which provides an excellent translational framework for toxicological studies that examine the mechanisms by which certain environmental exposures alter our biology.