
This collection of articles from the Editors of Environment International Journal explore the impact of climate change on health. The collection demonstrates the interconnectedness of SDG 13 and SDG 3. Understanding the changes and associated impact allows us to develop appropriate adaptive policies and practices to respond to climate-sensitive health risks.
This article highlights one of the winning proposals of the Elsevier Foundation Green & Sustainable Chemistry Challenge - “Biopesticides for improved paddy yield” - led by researcher Dr. Suzana Yusup. Her work shows how bio-pesticides can be safer and more effective than traditional pesticides, contributing to SDGs 8, 12, 13 and 15.

Biometals in Neurodegenerative Diseases, Mechanisms and Therapeutics, 2017, Pages 1-17

This chapter addresses goal 3 by discussing the potential of targeting biometals in Alzheimer's disease as a therapeutic avenue.
Four years after the Rana Plaza factory collapse, this article gives insight into the modern slavery risks in the garment industry, as well as 6 steps for companies to demonstrate their commitment to transparency. This is in line with SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth, in particular SDG target 8.7 which is to take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of all forms of child labour.
The 2017 Responsible Tourism Awards, presented during World Responsible Tourism Day, are focused on the SDGs. The first three categories are looking for specific contributions to SDG 8, SDG 12, SDG 3 whilst the remaining two categories are open to businesses and other tourism organisations supporting the remaining 14 SDGs. Entries close on 31 August 2017.

Electronic Waste, Toxicology and Public Health Issues, 2017, Pages 1-15

Chapter on the public health problem of how to effectively deal with or dispose of the ever-increasing number of old or outdated electronic devices (e-waste) in a safe manner. The goal of SDG target 3.9 is to substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination

Electronic Waste, Toxicology and Public Health Issues, 2017, Pages 55-61

This chapter will attempt brief review on some of the known factors which define populations, particulary developing countries, at special risk for chemical toxicity from e-waste. The goal of SDG target 3.9 is to substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination
Using newly-released and globally available high-resolution remote sensing data on forest loss, we update the assessment of the cross-country determinants of deforestation in developing countries. We validate most of the major determinants found in the previous literature, generally based on earlier time-periods, except for the role of institutional quality. Agricultural trade, hitherto relatively neglected, is found to be one of the main factors causing deforestation.
Background Information about the global structure of agriculture and nutrient production and its diversity is essential to improve present understanding of national food production patterns, agricultural livelihoods, and food chains, and their linkages to land use and their associated ecosystems services. Here we provide a plausible breakdown of global agricultural and nutrient production by farm size, and also study the associations between farm size, agricultural diversity, and nutrient production.
Elsevier, Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Volume 4, 1 April 2017
Chalcopyrite semiconductors are used in thin film solar cells with the highest efficiencies, in particular for flexible solar cells. Recent progress has been made possible by an alkali postdeposition treatment. Other important trends are the development of tandem cells and of ultrathin solar cells. Recent progress has forwarded the understanding of off-stoichiometry and of bulk defects in these materials.
