
Elsevier, Energy Research and Social Science, Volume 35, January 2018
Looking back from 2050, this article is written in the form of a fictional speech reflecting on the impressive progress made by 2050 towards achieving the global goal of zero net emissions. The speaker also highlights the severe and ongoing ecological damage and human suffering caused by the failure to reduce emissions with sufficient urgency in the first quarter of the 21st Century – and the ongoing challenge of implementing the actions required to bring global temperatures back below 1.5 degrees. The speech identifies the following key drivers of the ‘great 21st century energy transition’.
This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health as well as Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by highlighting this unique role that HIV MTCT plays in understanding the immune correlates of protection and provide an overview of key aspects of MTCT including the epidemiology, transmission, and current prevention methods.
This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health as well as Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by covering transcription regulation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gene expression, focusing on the invaluable contributions, made by HIV research over the years, toward the field of transcription.
World Future Energy Summit is the world’s leading business event for future energy and sustainability, showcasing pioneering technologies and ground-breaking thinking in energy, energy efficiency, water, solar, waste, smart cities, climate and the environment. As a global hub for business, innovation and knowledge exchange, World Future Energy Summit inspires the advancement and transfer of ideas, technology and investment across borders and between the public and private sectors worldwide, helping stimulate sustainable growth for all.

The Liver, Oxidative Stress and Dietary Antioxidants, 2018, Pages 71-78

This chapter aligns with the SDG goal 3 of good health and wellbeing by showing the role of AGEs and RAGE in liver fibrosis and inflammation.

Sustainable Food Systems from Agriculture to Industry, Improving Production and Processing, 2018, Pages 3-46

This book chapter addresses goals 2 and 12 by explaining the current state of food production, the challenges it poses to food security, and options for ensuring global food supply going forward.
For over 15 years, businesses around the world have turned to the UN Global Compact to shape their corporate sustainability approach. We offer an extensive toolbox ranging from leadership engagement platforms to best practices and resources that will help your business embed the Ten Principles into your operations, identify new opportunities to advance the SDGs and partner with the United Nations.
Furthering goal 5, this report examines the aggregate results of companies using the Women's Empowerment Principles Gender Gap Analysis Tool (WEPs Tool) with the aim of providing insight into global corporate performance on gender equality and women's empowerment aligned with the WEPs. The study also demonstrates the value of using the WEPs Tool and showcases the efforts of partners and other stakeholders to drive gender equality around the world.
Furthering goals 8 and 16, this brief guide, developed as part of the Decent Work in Global Supply Chains Action Platform, offers a quick overview of the steps businesses can take to help eliminate modern slavery, while highlighting key resources, initiatives and engagement opportunities to support business action.
This report seeks to provide an in-depth review of SDG 6 and includes data on the global baseline status, the current situation and trends at global and regional levels, and what more needs to be done to achieve this goal by 2030. The report is based on the latest data available for the 11 SDG 6 global indicators selected by Member States to track progress towards the eight global targets, plus complementary data and evidence from a wide range of sources.
