
Elsevier, TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Volume 109, December 2018
The Mediterranean Sea is affected by one of the most significant plastic pollution worldwide. This review critically evaluates the most recent literature on the presence of microplastics in sediments, suggested to be long term sinks and have a high potential to accumulate this kind of marine debris. A picture of microplastic levels in coastal environments is given, evidencing information gaps and considering also estuary, lagoons and areas influenced by the contribution of rivers. A wide range of contamination levels has been found, with the highest in lagoon and estuary environments.
Elsevier, Operations Research for Health Care, Volume 19, December 2018
Cyclists form the most vulnerable road user group in terms of injury from traffic accidents, as well as exposure to traffic-related air pollution. Ironically, commuter cyclists are often motivated by improvement in health and fitness. Cycleways away from traffic with lower concentrations of pollutants from motorised vehicles sometimes result in longer distances and hence require longer travel times, while alternative routes sharing the road with other traffic, sometimes with buses, might result in exposure to higher pollutant concentrations.
Elsevier, Materials Today Sustainability, Volume 1-2, December 2018
Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture using CaO-based adsorbents has recently attracted intense attention from both academic and industrial sectors in the last decade due to the high theoretical capacity of CO2 capture, low cost, and potential use in large scale. However, the successful development of CaO-based adsorbents is limited by significant sintering of adsorbent particles over a number of cycles of CaO carbonation/calcination. In this work, a systematic understanding of fundamental aspects of the cyclic carbonation/calcination of CaO-based materials is reviewed.
Elsevier, World Development, Volume 112, December 2018
Human mobility and inequality have determined one another throughout modern history, from the effects of labour migration to processes of urbanisation. The Sustainable Development Goals now offer an opportunity to re-examine this complex relationship in a globalized world. Drawing on major research evidence and key debates, this review article proposes a framework of mobility equity as part of SDG 10, which foresees the reduction of inequalities within and among countries by 2030.
Elsevier, Smart Health, Volume 9-10, December 2018
This work intends to develop an intelligent, four-dimensional (namely X-Y-Z plus somatosensory), partial control, and virtual-reality-enabled Tai-Chi System (VTCS). Tai-Chi is a traditional mind-body wellness and healing art, and its clinical benefits have been well documented. VTCS integrates Tai-Chi with a series of cutting-edge computer technologies including 4D sensor technology, big-data, signal processing and analysis, human body kinematics, deep learning, virtual reality, and 4D-reconstruction, etc.

TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Volume 109, December 2018

Explore in-depth analysis on microplastic pollution in soil, its ecological risks, and innovative analytical methods for managing this emerging challenge.

Heliyon, Volume 4, December 2018

Instresting assessment on the environmental impact that the production of plastic bags can have worldwide

The Lancet, Volume 392, Issue 10163, 8–14 December 2018, Pages 2479-2514.

The 2018 Lancet Countdown report directly contributes to SDG 13 (climate action), SDG 3 (good health and well-being) and SDG 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure). The report indicates that climate change is the biggest global health threat of the 21st century. Stressing the need for governments to focus on decarbonising economies, in order to reduce rates of cardiovascular and respiratory disease, and reduce risk factors linked to infectious disease and mental illness.

Social Media: The Academic Library Perspective, Chandos Publishing Social Media Series, 2019, Pages 45-55

This chapter addresses SDGs 4 and 10 through the use of a case study from a very large academic library that collaboratively compiled a set of guidelines specifically addressing copyright and disability issues on social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. It also discusses disseminating these guidelines through a series of workshops targeted at social media managers, and offers an initial assessment of the guidelines impact on social media account owners, managers, and users.

The Molecular and Clinical Pathology of Neurodegenerative Disease, 2019, Pages 25-82

This chapter addresses goal 3 by examining the molecular and clinical pathology of Alzheimer's disease and Dementia.
