Food security and nutrition and sustainable agriculture

Food security, nutrition, and sustainable agriculture constitute fundamental elements that contribute significantly to the attainment of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals are a globally shared blueprint that calls for peace and prosperity for all people and the planet. Focusing on food security and nutrition is directly linked to SDG 2 which seeks to "End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture." Beyond SDG 2, these themes also relate to other SDGs such as Goal 3 - Good Health and Well-being, Goal 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production, and Goal 13 - Climate Action. The relationship between sustainable agriculture and these goals is profound; by promoting eco-friendly farming methods, we reduce the environmental footprint, mitigate climate change, and ensure the long-term sustainability of food production systems.

Moreover, sustainable agriculture is vital in fostering biodiversity, improving soil health, and enhancing water use efficiency, which are critical aspects related to Goals 14 and 15 - Life below Water and Life on Land respectively. By safeguarding our ecosystems, we not only ensure food security but also the preservation of the natural environment for future generations. In turn, better nutrition is a conduit to improved health (SDG 3), and it can also influence educational outcomes (SDG 4), given the known links between nutrition and cognitive development.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that the interconnections go beyond these goals. There's an important nexus between sustainable agriculture, food security and issues of poverty (SDG 1), gender equality (SDG 5), clean water and sanitation (SDG 6), and economic growth (SDG 8), among others. Sustainable agriculture creates job opportunities, thus reducing poverty levels. By empowering women in agriculture, we can help achieve gender equality. Proper water and sanitation practices in agriculture can prevent contamination, ensuring clean water and sanitation for all. Therefore, the triad of food security, nutrition, and sustainable agriculture, while being a significant goal in itself, is also a vehicle that drives the achievement of the wider Sustainable Development Goals.

 The knowledge about various indices related to the composting process has become an important and wider area of research in the current time. The review therefore focuses on the various stability and maturity indices of composting process and lays emphasis on the advantages and uses of the matured compost. 
This study presents evidence that PV (Participatory Video) nutrition education promotes a transformative change and is the first study to evaluate: 1) the influence of a PV nutrition education intervention on adolescent participants’ critical nutrition literacy and behavior, and 2) the perceived impact of the intervention on participants and local stakeholders. It is also the first study of a PV nutrition intervention with adolescent creators.
Health promoting properties of seaweed.

The eminent protein sources among the vegetarian population include cereals and pulses that do not satisfy the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) level. The anti-nutrients such as protease inhibitors are responsible for the diminished bioavailability of plant protein. Consumption of a protein deficit diet severely impacts muscle health; hence, it becomes necessary to design an alternative source of complete protein. One such non-meat source with all essential amino acids in required quantity is seaweeds, an aquatic plant.

An Article on the increase in hunger brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, in the context of SDG 3, focusing specifically on the Supplemental NutrAticition Assistance Program on mitigating this indirect effect of the pandemic on a national level across the USA.

The Lancet Public Health, Volume 7, June 2022

An Editorial on the cost of living crisis, in the context of SDGs 1, 2, and 3, calling for governments to act urgently to address poverty and food insecurity to avoid further compromising the health of populations, especially children.
An Article in support of SDGs 2, 13, and 15, assessing the environmental consequences and nutritional contributions of national food-based dietary guidelines while considering circular food system principles
The authors of this paper found limited impacts of a 3 year nutrition BCC (Behavior Change Communication) intervention through agriculture-focused SHGs (Self-Help Groups) on nutrition outcomes and on intermediate pathway indicators expected to lead to those outcomes. Despite these limited impacts, much can be learned from the studied effort to improve women’s nutrition through SHGs.
This paper examines the relationship between farmers’ nutritional intake, production structure and regional market conditions.
Background: Over 85% of Kibera's population, an informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya, is food insecure. Nutrition-sensitive agriculture interventions, such as sack gardens, have the potential to diversify diets - in turn, improving household food security and diet quality. Furthermore, the sale of extra vegetables may provide an income for program participants. Objectives: The aim of this paper was to conduct a feasibility assessment and preliminary impact assessment of a nutrition-sensitive urban agriculture intervention that used sack gardens for women in Kibera.
Providing affordable access to enough healthy and safe food for an ever-more-affluent and growing world population has become more challenging in the face of climate change, rising income inequality and a more uncertain global trade environment. Agriculture is expected to contribute more, but is under pressure in both high-income and developing countries to do so more sustainably and inclusively. This paper reviews the roles of food policy in this changing setting.
