The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Volume , 2023
This piece highlights the importance of a culturally-sensitive approach to the management of infectious diseases and wellness for Indigenous people that take into account the rich and specific cultural milieu of the different populations to make decisions together.
Collegian, Volume , 2023
According to this study, multimorbidity was highly prevalent and dying in hospital during a palliative care admission is common for Indigenous Australians. These data can inform end-of-life care and health service planning for Indigenous Australians living with heart failure and cardiomyopathy.
Elsevier, International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, Volume 23, 1 January 2023
Background: Worldwide, approximately 24% of all adults smoke, but smoking is up to twice as prevalent in people with mental ill-health. There is growing evidence that smoking may be a causal risk factor in the development of mental illness, and that smoking cessation leads to improved mental health.