Book chapters


Child and Adolescent Online Risk Exposure, 2021, Pages 233-254

This chapter addresses SDG 10 and SDG 3 through an examination the critical dimensions of cyberbullying in relation to hate speech and online harassment, connecting it with racial and ethnic discrimination.

Jenkins et Al. Application of sex and gender health: A practical framework. In: Jenkins et al, How Sex and Gender Impact Clinical Practice, Academic Press, 2021, Pages 3-8.

This book chapter advances SDGs 3 and 5 by explaining that the use of a sex- and gender-based framework in the clinical practice of medicine will improve the care of both women and men, and likely have a positive impact on health outcomes.

Oliver et al., Practice improvement through a sex and gender high-value healthcare model, In: Jenkins et al, How Sex and Gender Impact Clinical Practice, Academic Press, 2021, Pages 309-323.

This book chapter advances SDGs 3 and 5 by explaining that there is evidence that healthcare cost distress affects women disproportionately, and that one way clinicians can help combat the epidemic of financial toxicity is through the practice of high-value care, an approach that aims to improve patient health and well-being by reducing the costs of care and/or by improving patient outcomes.

Particulates Matter, 2021, Pages 77-91

This book chapter advances SDGs 3, 13, and 15 by explaining how particulate matter in our atmosphere can have a range of negative effects on the body when inhaled, emphasising the need to assess and improve air quality.

Enzyme Active Sites and their Reaction Mechanisms, 2021, Pages 97-100

This chapter aligns with the SDG goal 3 of good health and wellbeing by examining the properties of the enzyme, hepatitis C NS2/3 protease, with special emphasis on the catalytic components of its active site, and the mechanism by which it hydrolyzes peptide bonds.

D. Sugawara, Chapter 10 - Lessons from the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami: implications for Paleotsunami research, Editor(s): Tsunemasa Shiki, Yoshinobu Tsuji, Teiji Yamazaki, Futoshi Nanayama, Tsunamiites (Second Edition), Elsevier, 2021, Pages 155-181, ISBN 9780128239391,

In response to the extensive loss of life and property caused by the Tohoku-oki tsunami, as well as the fact that geological precursor evidence has not been effectively used in disaster management programs, the importance of tsunami deposit research has gained significant attention with the expectation that it will provide reliable information on the recurrence interval and size of devastating tsunamis. This book chapter advances SDGs 11 and 15.

How Sex and Gender Impact Clinical Practice, An Evidence-Based Guide to Patient Care, 2021, Pages 277-287

This book chapter advances SDGs 3 and 16 by examining three issues that are considered important public health issues as well as common patient problems—intimate partner violence, access to healthcare, and immunization—with a focus on sex and gender based medicine.

Food Fraud, A Global Threat With Public Health and Economic Consequences, 2021, Pages 23-43

This book chapter addresses SDGs 3 and 10 by explaining US and EU regulatory requirements, Global Food Safety Initiative requirements, and reviews food fraud vulnerabiility.

Solar PV Power, Design, Manufacturing and Applications from Sand to Systems, 2021, Pages 267-315

This book chapter addresses SDG 7 by explaining how off-grid solar photovoltaic systems aid in many industries including agriculature and shows the reliability and life cycle costing aspects.

Heavy Metals in the Environment, 2021, Pages 165-178

This chapter advances SDG 6 by explaining the use of cluster analysis, multivariate statistical methods, principal component analysis, and factor analysis for the interpretation and analysis of difficult water quality data
