Book chapters


Contamination of Water, Health Risk Assessment and Treatment Strategies, 2021, Pages 99-107

Pesticides have the potential to contaminate groundwater resources and have become a serious concern worldwide. In this chapter, we have discussed the mechanism of pesticide pollution along with its trajectory from the land surface into aquifers. Additionally, the harmful effects of pesticides on human health and promising remedies for reducing pesticide pollution have also been discussed.

Clean Energy and Resources Recovery. Biomass Waste Based Biorefineries, Volume 1, 2021, Pages 465-486

This chapter advances SDGs 6 & 7 by presenting membrane technologies that can be used to purify wastewater and produce biomass for energy.

Clean Energy and Resources Recovery. Biomass Waste Based Biorefineries, Volume 1, 2021, Pages 145-154

This chapter advances SDGs 6 & 7 by discussing how to convert gelatinous industry wastewater into useful chemicals and fuels.

Clean Energy and Resource Recovery. Wastewater Treatment Plants as Biorefineries, Volume 2, 2022, Pages 17-36

This chapter advances SDGs 6 & 7 by critically examining the recent developments, opportunities, market possibilities, and barriers in resource recovery in wastewater treatment plants.

Clean Energy and Resources Recovery, Biomass Waste Based Biorefineries, Volume 1, 2021, Pages 1-24

This chapter advances SDG 7, 11, and 13 by presenting the different ways valorizing agricultural residues for energy production, as a sustainable alternative to carbon emitting fossil fuels, while simultaneously reducing agricultural waste products.

Methods in Sustainability Science, Assessment, Prioritization, Improvement, Design and Optimization, 2021, Pages 13-26

This book chapter advances SDGs 11 and 13 by providing useful information for multisector institutions, especially for governments on how to plan future programs for socializing and promoting SDGs as one tool for creating sustainable businesses, as well as for protecting the environment, and improving society’s welfare.

Methods in Sustainability Science, Assessment, Prioritization, Improvement, Design and Optimization, 2021, Pages 13-26

This book chapter advances SDG 11 and 13 by explaining how businesses contributed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the early years after the declaration of these Goals at the end of 2015. Samples were taken from Indonesian publicly listed companies that published sustainability reports during the period 2016–2018 after the SDGs adoption.

Environmental Sustainability and Economy, 2021, Pages 35-60

This book chapter advances SDGs 9, 13, and 11 by exploring the relationship between environmental quality and economic development to help policymakers design and implement effective policies in order to achieve sustainability goals.

Freshwater Fishes of the Eastern Himalayas, 2021, pp 1-13

This content aligns with Goal 14: Life under Water by emphasizing the significance of freshwater habitats as repositories of aquatic biodiversity.

Sex and Gender Differences in Alzheimer's Disease, 2021, Pages 23-77

This chapter advances goals 3 and 5 by examining sex differences in hippocampal neurogenesis and hippocampus-dependent cognition, in both healthy individuals and in those with AD, and how these differences are affected by age, hormones, APOE genotype, and experience.
