Elsevier, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Volume 13, March 2022
Telecommuting has become a dominant professional experience for many Canadian business and workers due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Telecommuting has several benefits that are separate from COVID-19.
World Water Day is on 22 March every year. This year’s theme is ‘groundwater’ and draws attention to the hidden water resource that has always been critically important but not fully recognized in sustainable development policymaking. To raise awareness on sustaining groundwater, Elsevier presents a curated list of publicly available journal articles and book chapters. At Elsevier, we are advancing #SDG6 research and ensuring that #groundwater is sustainably explored, analyzed, and monitored
The study offers insights into the relationship between eye-level greenspace and hypertension, revealing a negative association among Chinese females, especially in socioeconomically disadvantaged groups.

Urban Governance, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ugj.2022.03.001.


The paper presents policy responses to the pandemic that illustrate how the crisis has opened opportunities for initiating changes that can lead to a more just food system.
Of all the types of renewable energy, Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) market has been more supported and developed in Canada due to the lower project cost and the existing NG pipeline infrastructure.
Taking the devastating 2019–2020 Australian bushfires as a starting point, and how it attracted significant activity on social media, both in Australia and worldwide, this research uses corpus-based discourse analysis to explore the impact of this significant environmental crisis event on climate discussions on Australian Twitter, with a focus on discursive struggle and (de-)legitimation.
International Women's day is celebrated every year on 8 March and this year's theme is “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”, recognizing the contribution of women and girls around the world, who are leading the charge on climate change adaptation, mitigation, and response, to build a more sustainable future for all. Elsevier has collated a freely available special issue of book chapters and journal articles to celebrate and highlight International Women's Day.
An article on air pollution and cognitive decline, in the context of SDGs 3 and 11, focusing specifically on the association between exposure to outdoor air pollutants and cognitive performance.
An Article in support of SDGs 3, 7, and 13, showing that adopting strict climate policies (the 1·5°C and 2°C targets) and strengthening clean-air policies could achieve major improvements in air quality and substantially reduce the human health effects from air pollution in China.
Urban climate change agenda furthered by aligning adaptation plans with development goals. Near-term benefits delivered by aligning adaptation, mitigation and development. Synergistic adaptation-mitigation planning leads to inclusion of co-benefits and avoidance of trade-offs. Informal networks can enhance coordination required for co-benefit approaches.
