Held in partnership with the University of São Paulo, this Elsevier webinar discusses the SDGs and how researchers can incorporate them into their work.
In this episode of the “World We Want” podcast series, RELX’s Global Head of Corporate Responsibility, Dr. Márcia Balisciano, talks to Kariuki Ngari about leadership.
The findings support the possibility that FBOM-δ13C can be used as a paleoceanographic proxy for surface water [CO2(aq)] and thus atmospheric pCO2.
Carbon capture and storage can help achieve the sustainable development goals. It is a key enabler of goal 13 relating to combating climate change. It also enables provision of affordable energy and decarbonisation of industry. The capturing process has both positive and negative interactions with most sustainability goals.

The pre-use stage (construction) emissions of buildings occur in a short time. Wooden buildings seem to emit less compared to concrete ones in pre-use stage according to LCA. Green building certificates need to consider embodied emissions more exhaustively.
Background: Extreme heat exposure can lead to premature death.

The chemical industry needs to significantly decrease carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in order to meet the 2050 carbon neutrality goal.
This chapter aligns with Goal 14: Life Below Water and Goal 13: Climate Action by highlighting how past marine ecosystem changes can improve our understanding of future climactic and chemical conditions of global oceans.
Disaster Resilience and Sustainability, Adaptation for Sustainable Development, 2021, Pages 1-20
This book chapter addresses SDGs 11 and 13 by focusing on disasters in Asia and how building disaster resilience is a multi-faceted challenge that takes partnership, data, work, and past case studies to navigate towards solutions.
This book chapter advances SDGs 9, 13, and 15 by using several economic indicators of sustainable resource management to help answer questions such as what extent is it possible to know whether the available resources are being managed in a sustainable way? Could it be said that current generations are using the resources to meet their needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own?