

Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Volume 204, 1 August 2023

In vivo triple transgenic AD mouse model brains and retinas showed hypoxic vessels expressing hypoxyprobe and HIF-1α. In in vitro OGD-treated endothelial cells, HIF-1α upregulated NADPH oxidase (NOX) (i.e., Nox2, Nox4). NLRP1 protein was promoted by OGD, and such effect was blocked by downregulation of Nox4 and HIF-1α. Hypoxic endothelial cells of AD brains and retinas markedly expressed NLRP1, ASC, caspase-1, and interleukin-1β (IL-1β). Chronic hypoxia in microvascular endothelial cells leads to HIF-1α-NLRP1 circuit in AD.

The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia, Volume 15, August 2023

The short comment supports SDGs 12 and 13 and advocates the concept of LIFE that focusses on an individual's responsibility to utilise resources mindfully and contribute their share to saving the planet. This concept was introduced by the Indian government at COP 26

Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Volume 38, August 2023

This work highlights what we know about climate change impacts that have happened and discuss future directions for research. It supports SDG 13 and 14.

Cold Regions Science and Technology, Volume 212, August 2023

This study supports SDGs 9 and 15. The permafrost on the Tibetan Plateau has been significantly degraded becuase of global warming. This article assessed the future stability of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway.
Hands under water tap

Press Release

RELX Environmental Challenge 2023: five shortlisted projects to bring safe water and sanitation to communities around the world


Cell Reports Physical Science, Volume 4, 16 August 2023

The demand for solar energy as a clean way to power human lives is increasing, but solar panels are land-intensive and may compete for space with farms. In this article, the authors examine how agrivoltaics (combining farming and solar technologies) can provide synergistic benefits together rather than in isolation, showing positive benefits in climate mitigation, climate resilience, and land equivalent ratios. This contributes to SDGs 2 (ensuring the promotion of sustainable agriculture), 7 (harnessing sunlight to power society), and 13 (agrivoltaics as a way to combat climate change).

The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, Volume 31, August 2023

PHQ-8 could be used for screening and severity assesment of depressive symptoms at the European level.

The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, Volume 31, August 2023

Certain agricultural activities are more associated with depression than others, so there is a need for universal public health surveillance in the agricultural population.

The Lancet Global Health, Volume 11, July 2023

This Health Policy paper supports SDGs 2, 3, and 13, by identifying and examining the debates that arose from the publication of the EAT–Lancet Commission, systematically examining how research has been directly influenced by the Commission, and synthesising identified research gaps to build a research agenda for healthy and sustainable food systems.
Elsevier, The Lancet Psychiatry, Volume 10, July 2023
Background: Over the past three decades, the prevalence of adolescent emotional problems (ie, anxiety and depression) has risen. Although the onset and developmental course of emotional symptoms shows high variability, no study has directly tested secular differences across development. Our aim was to investigate whether and how developmental trajectories of emotional problems have changed across generations.
