How Sex and Gender Impact Clinical Practice, An Evidence-Based Guide to Patient Care, 2021, Pages 277-287
Solar PV Power, Design, Manufacturing and Applications from Sand to Systems, 2021, Pages 267-315
Neuropsychological Tools for Dementia, November 2020, Pages 377-382
Concepts of Advanced Zero Waste Tools, Present and Emerging Waste Management Practices, 2021, Pages 23-43
Global Groundwater, 2021, Pages 347-357
Global Groundwater, 2021, Pages 145-162
Influence of Nutrients, Bioactive Compounds, and Plant Extracts in Liver Diseases, 2021, Pages 41-55
Policy Issues in Genetically Modified Crops – Chapter 7: Genetically Modified Crops Changing the Food Insecurity Landscape of Undernourished Regions of the World
Policy Issues in Genetically Modified Crops, A Global Perspective, 2021, Pages 143-160