Diabetes Digital Health, 2020, Pages 145-157
This book chapter advances SDGs 3 and 10 by explaining how individuals with diabetes who are of lower socioeconomic status are more likely to have poorer diabetes-related outcomes. Digital health advancements provide unique opportunities to reduce health inequities for this high-risk group.
Control Theory in Biomedical Engineering Applications in Physiology and Medical Robotics 2020, Pages 205-234
This book chapter advances SDG3 Good Health and Wellbeing and SDG10 Reducing Inequalities by examining the research on wearable mechatronic devices for upper-limb amputees.
Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Systems, Encyclopedia of the World's Biomes, 2020
This book chapter addresses SDGs 15, 12, and 11 by discussing the conservation of terrestrial, freshwater, and coastal/marine ecosystems, and how to identify global percent protection goals.
Advances in Social Psychology, Volume 62, Pages 245-304
This chapter addresses SDG10 and SDG16 by conceptualizing stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination in the context of people using them as tools to manage social opportunities and threats, enhancing understanding of how and why stereotypes develop.
Encyclopedia of the World's Biomes, 2020.
This book chapter advances SDGs 15 and 11 by looking at how island biogeography arose in the past and how it is now changing in the Anthropocene. Biogeography is determined by three processes: immigration, evolution, and extinction and in the Anthropocene, human impacts are increasingly more important to island biogeography.
Encyclopedia of the World's Biomes, 2020.
This book chapter advances SDGs 12, 13 and 14 by discussing the current warming of the Arctic climate caused by human exploitation activities and the potential impact these activities may have in driving a number of marine mammals and other vertebrate species to extinction, unless strong conservation initiatives are put in place immediately.