Book chapters


Synthesis of Bionanomaterials for Biomedical Applications, Micro and Nano Technologies Series, 2023, Pages 493-528

This chapter aligns with Goals 12 and 13 by reviewing the ongoing research and development activities on the positive and harmful effects of NPs on the environment. First, the emission of NPs is described, then legislation and later the advantages and disadvantages of NPs toward the environment are highlighted. The possible consequences on human health and the environment, both negative and positive, are crucial issues that need to be addressed.
. Virus structure (left). The transmission electron microscopic image (right) shows hepatitis B virions. The large round virions are known as Dane particles.

Viruses (Second Edition)

From Understanding to Investigation

2023, Pages 401-407

This content supports the SDG Goal 3: Good health and well-being by exploring the human hepatitis B virus (HBV), family Hepadnaviridae, as a highly infectious virus transmitted by blood and body fluids.

Medicinal Usage of Cannabis and Cannabinoids, First Edition, 2023, pp 129-134

This chapter advances the UN SDG goals 3 and 17 by reviewing the use of cannabidiol oil for AD patients.

Angiotensin: From the Kidney to Coronavirus, Volume , 1 January 2023

This chapter advances the UN SDG goal 3 and 17 by exploring antiogensin in relation to the treatment of neurological disorders

COVID-19 in Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia, First Edition, 2023, pp 203-214

This chapter advances the UN SDG goals 3 and 17 discusses the effects COVID had on the lifestyle of patients with AD.

COVID-19 in Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia, First Edition, 2023, pp 259-271

This chapter advances the UN SDG goals 3 and 17 discusses the female gender on AD risk.

Managing Urban Rivers: from Planning to Practice, Volume , 1 January 2023

This chapter aligns with Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation by reviewing the tools available for the collection of groundwater samples, methods of on-site water-quality analysis

Renewable Energy - Volume 2: Wave, Geothermal, and Bioenergy Definitions, Developments, Applications, Case Studies, and Modelling and Simulation, Volume , 1 January 2023

This chapter aligns with SDGs 7 and 11, by describing the role and possibilities of wave energy to help support global (sustainable) energy systems.

Remote Sensing in Precision Agriculture: Transforming Scientific Advancement into Innovation, Volume , 1 January 2023

This chapter aligns with SDGs 3 and 6, by providing applications of geospatial technologies to monitoring water quality.

Clinical Immunology (Sixth Edition)
Principles and Practice
2023, Pages 361-374

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing by providing a current understanding of the cellular and molecular basis of mammalian antifungal immunity, which shows promise for guiding immunotherapy and vaccination strategies for at-risk patients, including those with HIV/AIDS.
