
Healthcare professionals are exposed to several stress factors, especially during health emergency situations like Covid-19. Psychological distress in the COVID-19 era adversely affects both healthcare professionals' mental and physical health, decreasing performance and efficiency at work. Nevertheless, no sufficient emphasis has been placed so far on the role of nutrition against stress and anxiety among healthcare professionals.
This Article supports SDGs 3 and 10 by evaluating ethnic inequalities in health among older adults (55 years or older) in England. The large, cross-sectional study includes more than a million survey respondents, and identifies wide ethnic inequalities in health-related quality of life, prevalence of long-term conditions, experiences of primary care, support from local services, and confidence in managing one's own health. Outcomes varied widely between minority ethnic groups, both in the direction and magnitude of associations.
A Research Paper on food insecurity in the UK, in the context of SDGs 1, 2, and 3, focusing specifically on the association between the implementation of austerity policies in 2010 and the increase in foodbank use and food insecurity over the following decade.
Despite the importance of tropical forest conservation in achieving global sustainability goals and the key role of forest-risk commodity trade in driving deforestation, consumer country policy options for reducing imported deforestation have received limited scholarly attention. Drawing on gray literature and a European Commission public consultation, we identify 86 policy options for the European Union to address deforestation.
The results suggest that, although the role of reindeer herding in the economy of the Sámi communities varied greatly, the transition to reindeer herding may have affected ritual practices, testifying to a shared way of reciprocating with the land and animals.
Background: Existing studies evaluating the association between maternal risk factors and specific infant outcomes such as birthweight, injury admissions, and mortality have mostly focused on single risk factors. We aimed to identify routinely recorded psychosocial characteristics of pregnant women most at risk of adverse infant outcomes to inform targeting of early intervention.
Background: Previous studies have shown an excess risk of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias among women. Education is thought to have a causal association with dementia onset. We aimed to investigate the role of education in influencing sex differences in cognitive ageing.
The latest price movement in the European carbon markets (EU ETS) has reached its all-time high of €40/tonne, which demonstrates how much uncertainty is currently present in the market. Contributing to SDGs 12 and 13, this white paper provides scenario-based impact analysis of the market stability reserve in the context of the EU ETS review.
An article on the long-term risk of dementia, in the context of SDG 3, focusing specifically on the association between dementia onset and reduced participation in cognitive and social activities.
This book chapter advances SDG #3 and #10 by providing therapeutic strategies that can be employed in clinical trials for AD in DS will be discussed as well as their underlying scientific rationale.
