
Stop corruption
LexisNexis Legal & Professional,

BIS blog, 12th Dec 2017

Substantially reducing corruption and bribery in all forms is a target of goal 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions). This blog reviews the rise of anti-foreign bribery legislation in the 20 years since the OECD's Anti-Bribery Convention was signed by 43 states and countries.
World Efficiency Solutions (WES) is the premier international meeting for the low-carbon and resource-efficient economy focussed on creating the low-carbon and resource-efficient market place. WES was first held in 2015 in Paris during COP21 negotiations, focusing on climate change solutions. World Efficiency develops a new environment consensus: economic and human activities must, to be sustainable, be redesigned to limit their impact on the environment while awareness of the planetary limits (climate change and resources scarcity) becomes widespread. A key objective for WES 2017 is to Identify new market opportunities aligned to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (estimated market opportunities are larger than USD 12 trillion) and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change from 2015.
How to feed a population of 9bn in 2050? This was the question posed which provided the impetus for Elsevier to launch the bi-annual International Conference on Global Food Security Conference in 2013. Now in its 3rd year this highly regarded, research-led conference is focusing on five core conference themes to reflect an integrated approach to identifying solutions to the complex global challenge of food security: 1. Food creation 2. Food safety and bio security 3. Food loss and waste 4. Food in a changing society 5. Food utilization. Achieving global food security whilst reconciling demands on the environment is the greatest challenge faced by mankind. This directly supports SDG 2: to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.
River dredging in progress
Farmers Weekly,

24 November 2017

Water management - and ensuring an adequate supply for everyone - is one of the biggest challenges being faced by the UK. In a move by the Environment Agency, internal drainage boards could be given a bigger role in making that happen, helping to reducing flood risks to farmland and local villages in the process. This helps meet SDG 6, Clean Water and Sanitation.
LexisNexis Legal & Professional,

November 22 2017

The First 100 Years is a ground-breaking history project charting the journey of women in law since 1919. The project’s vision is to ensure a strong and equal future for all women in the legal profession through a deep understanding of the past combined with a celebration of today. It therefore supports SDG 5 with a focus on target 5 concerned with women in leadership positions. This video interview with Lady Hale, the first female President of the Supreme Court, gives a personal account of her being the ‘first’ many times over and the role of women in the legal profession.
Lancet Oncology commission report

Elsevier Connect, Nov 3 2017

A fundamental shift in how cancer research is conducted and how cancer care is delivered in the United States is required in order to deliver on the Cancer Moonshot initiative, according to a major new report called The Lancet Oncology Commission: Future Research Priorities in the USA. Authored by over 50 leading oncologists, including members of leading US cancer organizations, the report sets out 13 key priority areas, each with measurable goals, to focus the $2 billion of funding released to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) as part of the 21st Century Cures Act.

United Nations Global Compact, 2017

The Sustainable Development Goals provide a powerful aspiration for improving our world - laying out where we collectively need to go and how to get there. Making Global Goals Local Business is the UN Global Compact’s strategy for businesses on how to navigate the SDGs. It explains the SDGs through a business lens and signposts companies on ways they can advance each one.

17 November 2017

The Government's scheme for individuals to apply for tribunal fees refunds has been rolled out to all applicants, after a "successful opening phase of the scheme". This reduces inequalities between richer and poorer employees and between richer companies and poorer employees contributing to SDG 10.
Joe Biden - US Cancer Moonshot Initiative and Elsevier Recognised UN

Elsevier Connect, November 13, 2017

The Cancer Moonshot initiative directly supports SDG 3, Target 3.4 and Indicator 3.4.1. Joe Biden, former VP, and YS Chi, Chairman of Elsevier and Director of Corporate Affairs at RELX Group, received Humanitarian of the Year awards from the United Nations Association of New York (UNA-NY).
World Travel Market London provides a unique opportunity for the whole global travel trade to meet, network, negotiate and conduct business. For many years, WTM London has organised World Responsible Tourism Day, with the support of the United Nations World Tourism Organization. This is the world’s largest industry event focused on efforts to make the industry more responsible and sustainable. Each year leading figures from the industry, along with representatives of civil society and key organisations, gather to discuss the key issues facing the sustainable development of tourism
