

Annals of Tourism Research, Volume 96, September 2022

Research indicates that tourists continue to have difficulty assessing animals' welfare at wildlife tourism attractions, and so there is an immediate need for more education on such impacts. The purpose of this paper is to fill this education knowledge gap by introducing an environmental literacy framework, i.e., “what an environmentally literate person should know and be able to do,” in progressing from animal welfare illiteracy in tourism to literacy.

Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Volume 15, September 2022

Increasing road traffic in China means roadkill is a large and growing problem there. This paper analyses patterns in order to support mitigation measures.

International Journal of Food Microbiology, Volume 377, 16 September 2022

This article brings us a step closer to bringing clean drinking water to the world by detecting key harmful microbes.

Food and Bioproducts Processing, Volume 135, September 2022

Ultrafiltration with ceramic membranes of olive oil washing wastewater has been demonstrated to be an interesting alternative as a previous step for the recovery of phenolic compounds, which have outstanding antioxidant characteristics. In this way, the treatment of these wastewaters should be based on reusing water and, at the same time, on recovering valuable compounds.

Food and Bioproducts Processing, Volume 135, September 2022

The roadmapping exercise looking at the quantitative modelling of cleaning and decontamination held in 2021 identified a number of factors as common to cleaning and decontamination across many sectors. Tackling new challenges such as the food-water-energy nexus and the wider sustainability agenda means that Sinner’s circle, often used to frame discussions of cleaning in the food sector, needs an upgrade.

Clinical Imaging, Volume 89, September 2022

This Editorial sharing the experiences of a Radiology Department-led Racial and Socal Justice Book Club supports SDGs 10 and 8 by describing the ways they made an intentional effort to normalize discussions about racial and social (in)justice and examine everything through an anti-racist lens.

The Lancet Regional Health - Americas, Volume 13, September 2022

This Article supports SDGs 3 and 16 by measuring the rate of heart transplantation among Black and White waitlist candidates. The findings suggest that transplantation rates, as well as the rate of delisting for death or clinical deterioration, has worsened for Black candidates compared with White candidates, and that the causes for this disparity require further study.

One Earth, Volume 5, 16 September 2022

This articles identifies the current issues in the governance of global marine protected areas, and propose viable solutions to address those issues to enable effective marine governance.
Elsevier, Food Quality and Preference, Volume 100, September 2022
Future sustainable food systems should more efficiently use natural resources and reduce food waste. Upcycled food – foods elevated in value through ingredients otherwise wasted or previously thought inedible – constitutes a new approach contributing to this much needed transition. Successful market launches of such foods requires favourable consumer perception of these products, knowing the factors determining acceptance, and an adequate communicational framing of the new concept.

Energy Nexus,
Volume 8,

Improving environmental quality through reducing emissions is the central pillar of climate change mitigation and achieving sustainable development goals.
