
Elsevier, The Lancet Global Health, Volume 11, April 2023
Drinking water and sanitation services in high-income countries typically bring widespread health and other benefits to their populations. Yet gaps in this essential public health infrastructure persist, driven by structural inequalities, racism, poverty, housing instability, migration, climate change, insufficient continued investment, and poor planning.

One Earth, Volume 6, 21 April 2023

The authors investigate a countries ability to provide adequate food, energy, and water, without exceeding nature's carrying capacity. They show that 67% of nations are operating within a safe space for water provision.

Lancet Regional Health - Americas, Volume 20, April 2023

This Viewpoint supports Sustainable Development Goal 3 by discussing the effects of the FDA's approval of aducanumab, a treatment for early-stage Alzheimer's disease, despite its limited clinical benefit, as well as the decision of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to restrict coverage to individuals enrolled in clinical trials. The authors note that these decisions have led to a confusing landscape for patients with Alzheimer's disease.

The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, Volume 33, April 2023

This Article supports Sustainable Development Goal 3 by estimating the incidence and risk factors for vascular cognitive symptoms among first-ever stroke survivors in China, and shows an association of post-stroke cognitive impairment with age, education, and region (western China had higher rates of post-stroke cognitive impairment relative to other regions).

Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Volume 40, April 2023

This review artcile, with contributionsform allover the world, describes various approaches to convert plastic wastes into new products known as an efficient way to manage them and to enhance the sustainability of the environment.

Environment International, Volume 174, April 2023

The current review on atmospheric M/NPs is therefore focusing on sampling, sample preparation and identification methods. The approach will enable knowledge gaps to be identified, and recommendations to be made to support standardized and comparable future research

Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 191, June 2023, 114886


This study is a long-term monitoring study in which inter-seasonal relations are established. Thus, the spread of MP pollution in the region during the year was provided by an important bio-indicator.

Energy and AI, Volume 12, April 2023

This article supports SDGs 7 and 13 by achieving the efficient CO2 capture via connecting a packed bubble column (S-PBC) contactor in series, combined with machine learning and multi-objective optimization based on Enhanced Weathering (EW) technology.

The Lancet HIV, Volume 10, April 2023

The introduction of long-acting injectable pre-exposure prophylaxis adds to the choice of HIV-prevention options; this study assesses the potential impact of roll-out in the refion with the highest HIV burden.
