
Elsevier, Neurobiology of Stress, Volume 8, February 2018
Physical activity and stress are both environmental modifiers of Alzheimer's disease (AD) risk. Animal studies of physical activity in AD models have largely reported positive results, however benefits are not always observed in either cognitive or pathological outcomes and inconsistencies among findings remain. Studies using forced exercise may increase stress and mitigate some of the benefit of physical activity in AD models, while voluntary exercise regimens may not achieve optimal intensity to provide robust benefit.

Journal of Arid Environments, Volume 149, February 2018

Household methodologies (HHM) intervene directly in intra-household gender relations to strengthen overall smallholder agency and efficacy as economic agents and development actors. Strengthening women's agency is one mechanism for progressing towards collaborative, systemic farm management. It is expected this will contribute to improved farm resilience in the face of climate change, strengthen food and nutrition security, and improve other development indicators.


The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, Volume 2, February 2018

This article ties to SDG 3. This review describes interventions of note that are delivered to refugee children and adolescents as well as parenting and school interventions, and broader socioeconomic and cultural interventions.
The CD research community, led by the CDCN, recently proposed 4 candidate etiologic drivers of iMCD pathogenesis: iMCD may be due to (A) self-reactive antibodies, (B) germline mutations in genes regulating inflammation, (C) acquired oncogenic mutations, o

Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America, Volume 32, February 2018

This article ties to SDG 3. This clinical review article, published in Hematology/Oncology Clinics, presents current understanding of the pathogenesis for each subtype of CD as of 2017. Although understanding of CD has slowly improved over the last 6 decades, leading to improved patient survival and quality of life, additional research is needed. The authors anticipate significant progress to be made in the coming years through research studies led by the CDCN, including the ACCELERATE (Advancing Castleman Care with an Electronic Longitudinal registry, E-Repository, And Treatment/Effectiveness research) Natural History Registry (, which is open for patient self-enrollment.
Elsevier, Smart Wheelchairs and Brain-computer Interfaces: Mobile Assistive Technologies, Volume , 1 January 2018
Smart Wheelchairs and Brain-Computer Interfaces: Mobile Assistive Technologies combines the fields of neuroscience, rehabilitation and robotics via contributions from experts in their field to help readers develop new mobile assistive technologies. It provides information on robotics, control algorithm design for mobile robotics systems, ultrasonic and laser sensors for measurement and trajectory planning, and is ideal for researchers in BCI.
Elsevier, Handbook of Electronic Assistive Technology, Volume , 1 January 2018
Electronic Assistive Technology (EAT) is a subset of a wider range of products and services known as Assistive Technology (AT). AT is designed to support and enable people with disabilities, either acquired or congenital, to participate in activities with greater independence and safety. With a global aging population, it has an important role to play in enabling and supporting those with disability and their carers. Handbook of Electronic Assistive Technology discusses a range of commonly available or emerging electronic assistive technologies.

January 2018

The SDGs are all connected. Success in one goal often relies on success in another. The science supporting the SDGs needs to reflect these connections, which is what the Perspectives Project aims to achieve: enabling collaboration between experts from all over the world. The project addresses a core question: how is the SDG agenda influencing scholarly debates in different research areas, and vice-versa? The reviews will cover the breadth of the SDGs and will be published as part of three special issues in three key journals.
Elsevier, Journal of World Business, Volume 53, January 2018
We investigate the influence of FDI in land in agriculture in developing countries, a phenomenon also known as land grabbing, on host country food security, and suggest a differential impact depending on the investor's country of origin. FDI in land by developed-country investors positively influence food security by expanding land used for crop production because of home institutional pressure for human rights respect and responsible farmland conduct, in addition to positive spillovers.
Elsevier, World Development, Volume 101, January 2018
This paper presents a new demographic profile of extreme and moderate poverty, defined as those living on less than $1.90 and between $1.90 and $3.10 per day in 2013, based on household survey data from 89 developing countries. The face of poverty is primarily rural and young; 80% of the extreme poor and 75% of the moderate poor live in rural areas. Over 45% of the extreme poor are children younger than 15 years old, and nearly 60% of the extreme poor live in households with three or more children.
