
Elsevier, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 104, April 2019
The advent of more proactive consumers, the so-called “prosumers” with production and storage capabilities, is empowering the consumers and bringing new opportunities and challenges to the operation of power systems in a market environment. Recently, a novel proposal for the design and operation of electricity markets has emerged: these so-called peer-to-peer (P2P) electricity markets conceptually allow the prosumers to directly share their electrical energy and investment.

Neuron, Volume 102, 3 April 2019

Perinatal depression (PND) is a heterogeneous disorder with differences in timing of onset of depression, which influences symptomology, severity, and treatment efficacy. Researchers must embrace the heterogeneity to bring fruition to a precision medicine approach for women in reproductive mental health care. Galea and Frokjaer discuss the heterogeneity of perinatal depression based on timing onset, which influences symptoms and has implications for etiology and treatment efficacy.


Neuron, Volume 102, 3 April 2019

There have been several recent studies addressing the genetic architecture of depression. This review serves to take stock of what is known now about the genetics of depression, how it has increased our knowledge and understanding of its mechanisms, and how the information and knowledge can be leveraged to improve the care of people affected.


Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 123, April 2019

Pyrolysis converts biomass into liquid, gaseous and solid fuels. This work reviews the existing models for biomass pyrolysis, including kinetic, network and mechanistic models. The kinetic models are based on the global reaction mechanisms and have been extensively used for a wide range of biomass under various operating conditions. Major emphases have been on the network models as these models predict the structural changes during biomass pyrolysis. Key aspects of various network models include reaction schemes, structural characteristics and applications to CFD simulations.

Elsevier, Advances in Radiation Oncology, Volume 4, April - June 2019
The proportion of female trainees in radiation oncology has generally declined despite increasing numbers of female medical students; as a result, radiation oncology is among the bottom 5 specialties in terms of the percentage of female applicants. Recently, social media has been harnessed as a tool to bring recognition to underrepresented groups within medicine and other fields.

International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 35, April 2019

Groundwater storage (GWS) – a hidden resource underneath the land surface, plays a critical role in sustaining irrigated agriculture in these river basins, particularly during the dry season when rice crops are generally grown in irrigated lands across South Asia. Although monitoring of groundwater levels has been operational in the region for a number of decades, a basin-wide comprehensive assessment of GWS is lacking in most river basins.
Elsevier, Heliyon, Volume 5, April 2019
Background: Genetic diversity is a characteristic trait of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and has been associated with different clinical outcomes. In South Africa, HBV infection is a major public health concern. Most HBV infections are caused by genotype A strains. However rare cases of infection with HBV genotype D have been reported. The purpose of this study was to investigate the molecular characteristics of a rare HBV subgenotype D4 isolate. Methods: The full-length genome of isolate ZADGM6964 was amplified in a one-step polymerase chain reaction.

SLAS Technology, Volume 24, 1 April 2019

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease affecting more than 70,000 people worldwide. Caused by a mutation in the CFTR gene, cystic fibrosis can result in difficulty breathing, widespread bacterial infections, edema, malnutrition, pancreatitis, and death. Current drug-based treatments struggle to reach the site of action due to the thick mucus, and only manage symptoms such as blocked airways, lung infections, and limited ability to digest food. Nanotechnology opens up possibilities for improved treatment strategies by focusing on drug penetration through the mucus lining, eliminating resulting bacterial infections, and targeting the underlying genetic cause of the disease. In this review, we present recent nanoparticle developments for cystic fibrosis, challenges in nanomedicine therapeutics, and future research directions in gene editing and nonviral vectors for gene delivery. 

Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Volume 134, April 2019

More than 30 sterols/oxysterols/sterol-acids analysed in human CSF. 7α,25-Dihydroxy-3-oxocholest-4-en-26-oate reduced in AD patient-group. 7α,25-Dihydroxy-3-oxocholest-4-en-26-oate – an intermediate in bile acid synthesis. Bile acid synthesis linked to AD.
Elsevier, Joule, Volume 3, 20 March 2019
Solar photovoltaic modules have suddenly emerged as one of the cheapest options for bulk electricity supply. In a recent Energy Policy article, Kavlak et al. (2018) describe a methodology for quantifying causes of such cost movements and apply it to photovoltaic modules. Their approach, however, overlooks the “butterfly effect” of serendipitously interacting people and events, without which photovoltaics likely would still be expensive.
