In order to address the impacts of climate change, this manuscript presents a strategy developed to create a central resource, database and web-based platform to integrate data and information on the drivers and the changes within Guyana coastal and marine environment.

Measuring Sustainable Development Goals Performance, 2022, Pages 139-219

This chapter advances SDGs by explaining how the economist takes part in bridging the gap between science and policy.

Animal Behavior (Third Edition), 2022, Pages 531-573

This book chapter advances SDGs 13, 15, and 17 by explaining how conservation of species in the wild by creating sanctuaries is most successful if aspects of behavior such as territoriality, dispersal, and migration are factored into sanctuary design.

Science of the Total Environment, Volume 794, 10 November 2021

All aspects of sustainable development - biodiversity, food production, water treatment, climate change, energy opimisation - in years to come will capitalize greatly on digitalization.
A Comment on the collective action required to tackle the environmental crisis, in the context of SDGs 12, 13, and 17, calling for a limit to increases in average global temperatures, a halt in the destruction of nature, and the protection of health to be prioritised.
This book chapter advances SDGs 3 and 17 by outlining the common physical impairments found in people living with dementia, as well as evidence for treatments to maintain or improve physical function and prevent falls, in both community and residential settings.
Scientific research is governed by strict disciplinary norms and symbolic boundaries. This highly structured context is the space of probables, which dictates what research is likely to occur.
Addresses the Health Effects of Climate Change: a new expanded climate and health strategy based on data, science, and action.

Global Environmental Change, Volume 70, September 2021

The purpose of the present paper is to disentangle the mechanisms that connect climate change-induced disasters, inequality and vulnerability by accounting for both directions of causality.
