North America

The paper underscores the urgency of addressing climate change's impact on biodiversity through transboundary conservation efforts, offering guidelines for designing climate-smart marine protected area (MPA) networks in regions like the California Bight, highlighting the need for international coordination to ensure effective protection and adaptation strategies for vulnerable species and ecosystems.
As artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning become increasingly embedded in recruiting and hiring processes, employers must be aware of the potential discrimination risks these tools can pose. This article relates to SDGs 5, 8, and 10
This Article supports SDGs 3, 10, and 13 by evaluating the effect of ambient temperature on mobility within large cities and urban areas, particularly focusing on the subway system in New York city.
The increased exposure to violence and sexual crimes among Indigenous women, girls, and Two Spirit people results from longstanding historical trauma and anti-Indigenous racism. The Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit People (MMIWG2S) movement emerged as a result of the need for governments and organisations in the USA and Canada to act against acute violence towards Indigenous people

Manson's Tropical Diseases (Twentyfourth Edition), 2024, Pages 11-19

With a pressing climate emergency and increasing interconnectedness, the need for action on health at a global level is greater than ever. Achieving Universal Health Coverage with a strong base in primary healthcare is essential. This must be accompanied by policies to address the socioeconomic and environmental determinants of ill health, supporting SDG3.
The physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs of an individual are critically important, and require specific strategies to optimize Indigenous heart health.

Lancet Regional Health - Americas, Volume 25, September 2023

This Personal View supports SDG 3 and 10 by explaining how children's health outcomes in the USA could be improved by adhering to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child - ie, adopt policies that promote children's rights and wellbeing. This would help to address the comparatively poor health outcomes of children in the USA despite the high per-capita health spending.
This Personal View supports SDGs 3 and 10 by reviewing a pilot project aimed at increasing quity of access to urban green spaces and tree coverage and thereby improving community health.

Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Practice, How AI Technologies Impact Medical Research and Clinics

2024, Pages 395-399

To harness the power and promise of AI in global health, adequate investment must be made in communication, computer systems, and supporting personnel to collect, curate, and manage the data necessary to enable benefits and minimize harm from the use of AI-related tools. In developed countries, this has either occurred or is underway. Developing countries run the risk of widening the digital divide if this does not occur. This chapter supports SDG3.
Climate change is driving the need for cool spaces, which currently relies largely on mechanical air conditioning that consumes power and contributes to emissions. This article examines how to create a passive cooling system with good ventilation using no mechanical equipment, achieving sub-ambient temperature cooling that could be extended to larger homes and structures. As such, it supports SDGs 3 (ensuring access to cool livable spaces), SDG 9 (more sustainable infrastructure to cool homes), and SDG 13 (reducing the need for traditional air conditioning).
