
International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (Second Edition), 2020, Pages 121-128

This chapter supports SDGs 3, 11, and 16 by exploring the process of humanitarian mapping, the production of spatial data and cartographic products to improve situational awareness and decision-making around humanitarian issues from acute events such as natural disasters and public health emergencies to longer term events such as refugee crises and political unrest.
Background: Future Expectation is important for motivation and wellbeing, however drastic life events such as in refugee situations may result in low expectations.
A new threat now confronts the Amazon in the form of a massive infrastructure program, the Initiative for the Integration of the Regional Infrastructure of South America, or IIRSA.
The purpose of this study was to examine how innovative SDP organizations’ interactions with external stakeholders influence the social innovation process.

The number of countries with a national development plan has more than doubled, from about 62 in 2006 to 134 in 2018.

This chapter supports SDGs 3 and 16 by exploring how medical and pharmaceutical responses are crucial for saving precious lives during any humanitarian crisis.
Healthy psychological and brain development is not a privilege, but a fundamental right that requires special protections and opportunities for building cognitive, emotional, and social skills necessa
Elsevier, Advances in Radiation Oncology, Volume 4, April - June 2019
The proportion of female trainees in radiation oncology has generally declined despite increasing numbers of female medical students; as a result, radiation oncology is among the bottom 5 specialties

Hunter's Tropical Medicine and Emerging Infectious Disease (Ninth Edition), 2013, Pages 148-156

This chapter supports SDGs 3 and 16 by exploring complex emergencies and how displaced populations are at increased risk of increased morbidity and mortality.Disasters, either natural or man-made, disrupt the baseline functioning of a community, including food, water, sanitation and health. The resiliency of a community to recover from a disaster depends on existing economic and social structures. Poverty and inadequate economic and social systems are prevalent in tropical regions, making them extremely vulnerable to disasters.

The Lancet, Volume 393, 9 - 15 February 2019

Feminism is a social movement that promotes gender equality and social justice for all individuals, regardless of gender identification.
