Special collections


S20 Japan 2019, 6 March 2019

This collection of articles focusses on SDG 14 (life below water). Every coastal State, including several members of G20, face threats to marine ecosystems and the environment as complex societal, economic and governance challenges. Ocean management involves multi-disciplinary science and complex issues of policy design, while implementation demands consultative decision making and long term capacity development.


The Lancet, Volume 393, Number 10171, 9 February 2019, pages 493-610. 

This special issue from The Lancet focusses on SDG 5 (gender equality) within science, medicine, and global health, contributing to SDG 3 (good health and wellbeing).  This issue also contributes to SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth) and SDG 10 (reduced inequalities).


Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Volume 34, In progress.

This interdisciplinary collection of articles seeks to facilitate the design, implementation and evaluation of effective interventions that reduce poverty while protecting the environment. The SDG Perspectives Project aims to build an environment for collaboration, where experts from all over the world can engage with the SDGs in an interdisciplinary way.


Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Volume 34, October 2018, Pages 54-61.

There is a need to broaden the measures used to determine marine management effectiveness, especially in the context of achieving the SDGs. To advance goal 14, this article urges governments to pay more attention to new governance tools, including open innovation, when formulating new policy aimed at building future scenarios of economic resilience involving marine resource use.

Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Volume 13, Pages A1-A10, 1-174, October 2018.

This special issue explores the contributions of sustainable chemistry to the SDGs, with a particular focus on goals 9 and 12.


Marine Policy, Volume 93, July 2018

This collection of articles explores the targets within Goal 14 and the ways in which marine spatial planning can advance these targets.


Sustainable Materials and Technologies, February 2018

Increasing consumption and demand for special and precious metals brings about associated risks if the supply chain is disrupted or constrained. These articles considers the ecological and social impacts of raw materials supply chain contributing to SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production).

 Towards Sustainable Cities and Society: Addressing the Water Security Challenge

Sustainable Cities and Society

This special issues addresses the water security challenges critical to achieve sustainable cities and therefore advancing SDG 6 clean water and sanitation and SDG 11.

SDG resources - poster

United Nations Global Compact, 2017

The Blueprint for Business Leadership on the SDGs aims to inspire all business to take leading action in support of the achievement of all Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each chapter focusses on a separate goal and illustrates how leadership qualities can be applied to create impact at scale.
