

One Earth, Volume 5, 18 February 2022

To address the dual challenges of water scarcity and global climate change mitigation goals, China has committed to carbon neutrality by 2060 combined with strict water use restrictions. Modeling suggests that transitioning to carbon neutrality will potentially reduce industrial water use by a quarter in China.

One Earth, Volume 5, 18 February 2022

This Primer discusses the current status, gaps and guture needs of freshwater monitoring programs, towards preserving ecosystem functioning and our own health.

AJOG Global Reports, Volume 2, February 2022

This systematic review found good quality evidence that micronutrient supplementation and educational interventions can bring important clinical benefits.


Journal of Responsible Technology, Volume 10, 2022, 100027

Authors argue that 'we need a sustainability transformation of the digital transformation'. A long-term perspective is required to embed sustainability into the software engineering industry.

The Lancet Planetary Health, Volume 6, February 2022

A Personal View on the determinants of planetary health from the perspective of Indigenous peoples, in the context of SDGs 15 and 17, focusing specifically on identifying determinants that are integral to the health and sustainability of the planet.

Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 506, 15 February 2022

This paper examines a Native Hawaiian led effort to redress the removal of Indigenous Peoples from ancestral lands. This demonstration provides an important example of how biocultural strategies can achieve landscape restoration in Hawaiʻi. We outline how the Pu‘uwa‘awa‘a Community-Based Subsistence Forest Area is approaching common dryland restoration goals.

The Lancet, Volume 399, 12 February 2022

A Comment on improving the health of Artic Indigenous peoples, in the contexts of SDGs 3, 10, and 15, focusing specifically on the launch of a Lancet Commission that aims to present recommendations for addressing health disparities and key challenges in this community and to identify pathways for change.

International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, Volume 112, 1 February 2022

Looks at disparities in access to healthcare among Indigenous people.
In this paper, the authors assess the impact of degrading air quality on modal shares and equivalent CO2 emissions per capita per trip for ten global cities using a scenario-based approach.
Elsevier, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 156, February 2022
Much research has been devoted to assessing the effect of commute duration on the subjective well-being of people, but as of yet, the respective body or research has been inconclusive as to whether there is indeed a (large) negative effect or not. To control the spread of COVID-19 governments around the world have taken unprecedented measures to control the outbreak of the Corona-virus. Forcing or strongly advising people to work from home (i.e. at least those who can) is often one of these.
