The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, caused by zoonotic SARS-CoV-2, has important links to biodiversity loss and ecosystem health.
An Article in support of SDGs 12 and 13, assessing the potential benefits of moving to more sustainable diets for greenhouse gas emissions, land use, mortality, and cancer rates.
An Article in support of SDGs 2 and 12, assessing the financial costs of healthy and sustainable diets in countries with different income levels

An Article in support of SDGs 12 and 13, assessing greenhouse gas emissions, water footprint, and ecological footprint of different food types in Brazil, with a particular focus on ultra-processed foods
As both COVID-19 and climate change crises converged and even contributed to each other, a much older crisis reemerged: structural racism and the policy stagnation that refuses to address it.
This article aims to present and discuss the energy and environmental reality in the building sector and critically investigate the future pathways towards its decarbonisation.

Human health is irrevocably linked to the health of our planet. Failure to address the root causes of climate change will lead to exponential human and ecological harm.

The drive to curb carbon emissions — and remove carbon from the atmosphere to the point where society is making a “net zero” contribution to CO2 levels — is essentially a scramble to secure our future on this planet. A new report from Elsevier aims to advance the understanding of research and innovation in net zero and how it supports the drive toward a clean-energy future.
Martin Siegert, Fabio Florindo, Laura De Santis, Tim R. Naish, Chapter 13 - The future evolution of Antarctic climate: conclusions and upcoming programmes, Editor(s): Fabio Florindo, Martin Siegert, Laura De Santis, Tim Naish, Antarctic Climate Evolution (Second Edition), Elsevier, 2022, Pages 769-775, ISBN 9780128191095, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-819109-5.00005-0.
This chapter advances the UN SDG goal 13 for climate action, raising awareness of the impact of climate change to the planet as a whole
A Comment on the collective action required to tackle the environmental crisis, in the context of SDGs 12, 13, and 17, calling for a limit to increases in average global temperatures, a halt in the destruction of nature, and the protection of health to be prioritised.