

Energy and AI, Volume 8, May 2022

This article supports SDGs 5, 7 and 10 by integrating the principles of equality, diversity, and inclusivity (EDI) into all aspects to correct historical and structural inequalities, and establishing an inclusive culture to achieve the justice urgently needed for the global transition to net zero. the progress can be made in the fields of energy and artificial intelligence.

International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Volume 88, May 2022

Refugees need a place where both their physical and mental security is assured. This study looks at how the UN HCR program to resettle refugees is helping.
Graphical abstract

Cell Chemical Biology, Volume 29, 19 May 2022

Jiang et al. review the advancement in development of small-molecule anti-HIV drugs targeting the sites in the HIV surface protein that HIV neutralizing antibody drugs also target. Small-molecule drugs can be taken orally, stored and transport at regular temperature, and produced much more easily and economically than antibody drugs, making the treatment more accessible for all.
Area of forest burned in Canada from 1986 to 2015. Orange colour shows burned area.
This is an article on the impact of residential exposure to wildfires and the incidence of various cancers, in the context of SDGs 3, 13, and 15, focusing on the need to develop exposure metrics to better estimate the chronic population health burden attributable to environmental pollutants emitted during wildfires.
Fig. 1. Representative graphics of the AAWR mythbuster social media campaign.

Clinical Imaging, Volume 85, May 2022

This Editorial encourages SDGs 5 and 10 by dispelling the 10 most common misconceptions about the fields of radiology and radiation oncology that deter women from pursuing these specialties.
Elsevier, Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 6, 1 May 2022
This study demonstrates that a multipronged SBCC (social and Behavior Change Communication) intervention can modify mothers’ complementary feeding practices, improve fathers’ and mothers’ knowledge of complementary feeding, and increase fathers’ support for complementary feeding, despite low levels of participant-reported exposure to some intervention components.
Elsevier, Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 6, 1 May 2022
The findings in this paper suggest that both supply- and demand-side solutions are needed to improve HMG (health mothers’ group) performance and uptake in Nepal. These solutions need to include improving FCHV (female community health volunteer) skills and motivating them to provide high-quality HMG services, as well as encouraging family members to support women so that they have time to participate in the HMGs.
Elsevier, Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 6, 1 May 2022
This paper's findings highlight various facilitators and barriers that need to be given special attention during the design and implementation phases of PDH (Positive Deviance/Hearth) and PDH-IVC (Positive Deviance/Hearth-Interactive Voice Calling program). The mental health, time, and resource constraints of elderly caregivers should also be addressed for a context like Cambodia when implementing child-focused health and nutrition programs.

Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, Volume 71, May 2022

There is clear evidence that lifestyle factors affect iron bioavailability. However, information regarding the effect of alcohol and caffeine consumption on iron metabolism is limited.
