Book chapters


The Science of Religion, Spirituality, and Existentialism
2020, Pages 273-285

This chapter focuses on the role of religiousness in meaning making following stressful life events which can help with global health and well-being.

The Science of Religion, Spirituality, and Existentialism
2020, Pages 287-303

This chapter first provides an overview of theories and research linking the psychology of religion to positive psychology, which can lead to better health and well-being for individuals.

Climate Change and Food Security with Emphasis on Wheat, 2020, Pages 1-29

As climate impacts farming, so does farming impact climate change. Identifying best-practices that optimise food security while protecting the environment is a key to sustainable food security. This chapter contributes to SDGs 2, 3 and 12.

Towards Sustainable Chemical Processes, 2020, Pages 3-41

Sustainability assessment of chemical product and process design is essential to reducing waste and improving industrial sustainability. This book chapter advances SDGs 9 and 12.

Flexible Applications of Cognitive Processing Therapy, April 2020, Pages 225-238

This book chapter advances SDG 3 and 10 by reviewing specific applications of CPT in diverse populations and across cultures. This chapter provides a clinicians with guidance in applying this approach to the patients they may see in their own settings in order that they can all apply CPT in the most culturally sensitive way.

Climate Change and Food Security with Emphasis on Wheat, 2020, Pages 1-29

This book chapter addresses SDGs 12 and 13 by explaining how agricultural machinery has lead to negative environmental impacts and that there are sustainable production methods to create a whole-farm management approach.

Freshwater Ecology (Third Edition), 2020, Pages 295-333

This book chapter addresses goals 14, 13 and 6 by looking at the ecology and species conservation of freshwater habitats.

Bioenergy (Second Edition), 2020, Pages 767-788

This book chapter addresses goals 7, 13 and 11 by looking at ecological technologies that transform natural resources into anthropocentric goods and services.

Preventing Domestic Homicides: Lessons Learned from Tragedies, 2020, Pages 15-37

Linked to SDGs 3 and 5, this chapter examines domestic homicides of older women through the lens of ageism.
The health sector has an important role to play in terms of offering culturally appropriate and relevant care, tackling racism in the health care sector, improving engagement with Indigenous partners, and advocating for decolonizing policies that give control of health and wellness to the Indigenous people of Canada.
