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Book chapters


Retinal and Choroidal Vascular Diseases of the Eye, 2024, Pages 375-390

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health by emphasizing the importance of early diagnosis and effective management of multiple sclerosis (MS) to delay disease progression and improve health outcomes for individuals affected by this condition. By exploring the innovative use of retinal imaging technology as a noninvasive method to detect and monitor neurodegeneration associated with MS, it highlights advancements in healthcare that can lead to better disease management. Additionally, it supports Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by advocating for accessible diagnostic tools that can enhance the care of young adults with MS, ensuring that all individuals receive timely and equitable healthcare regardless of their socioeconomic status.

Julian K. Trick, Marianne Stuart, Shaun Reeder,
Chapter 3 - Contaminated groundwater sampling and quality control of water analyses,
Editor(s): Benedetto De Vivo, Harvey E. Belkin, Annamaria Lima,
Environmental Geochemistry (Third Edition), Elsevier, 2024, Pages 35-62, ISBN 9780443138010

This chapter aligns with Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation by reviewing the tools available for the collection of groundwater samples, methods of on-site water-quality analysis, and the appropriate preservation and handling of samples. This work contributes to the anaylis of groundwater in efforts to monitor and improve water for populations.

Nuclear Waste Management Facilities, 2024, Pages 3-70

This chapter explores the sustainability and environmental impacts of the nuclear industry thereby supporting Sustainable Development Goal 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy).


Artificial Intelligence Applications for Sustainable Construction, 2024, pp 75-91

This chapter advances the UN SDG goals 9 and 11 by exploring the potential of AI tools to promote smart civil engineering.

Change in Emotion and Mental Health, 2024, pp 185-208

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure by discussing the relation between memory, emotion, and mental health, as well as the impacts of technological innovations such as social media.

Artificial Intelligence Applications for Sustainable Construction, 2024, pages 93-121

This chapter aligns with Goals 9, 11, and 13 by focusing on the use of renewable and recyclable materials, as well as adoption of methods to reduce energy consumption and waste.

S.C. Onwubu, Z. Obiechefu, T.H. Mokhothu, Ajay Kumar Mishra, 17 - The environmental sustainability of biowaste in bioplastic production, Editor(s): Ajay Kumar Mishra, Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain, Bioplastics for Sustainability, Elsevier, 2024, Pages 407-428, ISBN 9780323951999

This chapter ties into Sustainable Development Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities and Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate action by discussing the environmental sustainability of biowaste in bioplastic production, including a life cycle assessment of bioplastic production from biowaste and a comparison of its environmental impact to conventional plastics.

Sustainablility and Toxicity of Building Materials, 2024, pages 3-14

This chapter aligns with Goals 9, 11, 12 by emphasizing the responsible disposal of toxic building materials and providing guidance on selecting materials that have a positive effect on the health of occupants and the environment.

Living Donor Organ Transplantation (Second Edition)

2024, Pages 177-185

Proper regulation is essential to ensure that such a system benefited those in need, and that those who provided organs are properly compensated. Without significant policy changes, however, far too many patients will continue to languish on waiting lists until they run out of time. The goal of SDG3 is that everyone should have a good health and well-being.

Treatment and Management of Tropical Liver Disease, 2025, Pages 17-23

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health. Hepatitis C is a common cause of chronic hepatitis associated with a significant global burden.
