Psychology and Climate Change, 2018, Pages 95-124
This book chapter advances SDGs 10 and 13 by explaining how current psychological perspectives on social identity, identity-based motivation, and belonging help shape public engagement and identify key social psychological processes that may contribute to persistent and substantial disparities in the environmental sector.
Disaster Resilient Cities, 2016, Pages 99–108
SDG target 11.5 is concerned with the impact and reduction of disasters. This chapter advances knowledge on disaster risk reduction, by exploring the health impacts to those survivors living in environments that have been impacted by disaster.
Sang, Yuanrui; Karayaka, Hayrettin Bora; Yan, Yanjun; Yilmaz, Nadir; Souders, David. 1.18 "Ocean (Marine) Energy", Editor: Ibrahim Dincer, Comprehensive Energy Systems, Elsevier (2018), Pages 733-769, ISBN: 9780128149256.
Marine energies are still early in their development and their potential is largely untapped, but our oceans could supply the entire world with power and begin to eradicate our dependency on fossil fuels. As scientists and governments further research and develop marine energy, we can expect (and hope) that it will become a significant global energy source in the next decade. This book chapter advances SDGs 7, 11 and 13.