

Trees, Forests and People, Volume 4, June 2021

Protected areas have become a vital component of the global biodiversity conservation strategy due to the increasing extinction and vulnerability of different species in the 21st century. In Ghana, besides the shared governance of protected area management, there also exists the governance by indigenous community models in which traditional structures (clans and stools) use taboos, deities, totems, and myths as tools in managing protected areas. To study the effectiveness of the various governance systems in protected area management, we compared species diversity, vegetation structure, and biomass stock of an area under shared governance (wildlife sanctuary) to communal governance (sacred grove).

EClinicalMedicine, Volume 36, June 2021

A research paper, in support of SDG 3 and 10, documenting the sociodemographic factors and distribution of cofactors associated with hepatocellular carcinoma in Indigenous Australians.

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Volume 37, June 2021

The study indicates that indigenous agricultural practices may have affected populations of hutia, perhaps by attracting them and supporting them within anthropogenic mosaic landscapes.
Elsevier, Medicine in Microecology, Volume 8, June 2021
In the 21st century, the incidence of preterm birth has continued to increase. According to statistics, preterm birth accounts for 5%–18% of all births worldwide, and 70%–75% of perinatal deaths are related to preterm birth. Preterm birth is not only a cardiopulmonary defect for the baby, but also has a negative impact on the mother's health.
Elsevier, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 69, June 2021
There is an increasing interest in the link between ambient temperature and sexual crime in the context of climate change. However, existing studies are limited in evaluating the acute effect of temperature and rarely estimate the attributable burden. Here, we show that in seven large US cities, every 5 °C rise in daily mean temperature was associated with a 4.5 % [95 % confidence interval (CI): 2.8–6.3 %] increase in sex offenses in the following 0–8 days.
Elsevier, City, Culture and Society, Volume 25, June 2021
The inclusion of people with intellectual disability in cultural and civic activities is an important point for discussion, particularly in the context of supporting the social sustainability of our local communities and cities. In line with a human rights approach to disability and inclusion, local governments and community organisations are poised to play a pivotal role in the inclusion of people with intellectual disability.
Elsevier, The Lancet Psychiatry, Volume 8, June 2021
Background: The prevalence of head injury is estimated to be as high as 55% in women in prison and might be a risk factor for violent offending, but evidence is equivocal. The extent of persisting disability is unknown, making decisions about service needs difficult. The UN recognises vulnerabilities in women in prison, but does not include head injury. This study aimed to investigate relationships among head injury, comorbidities, disability, and offending in women in prison.
Elsevier, The Lancet Global Health, Volume 9, June 2021
Background: Half of the world's missing female births occur in India, due to sex-selective abortion. It is unknown whether selective abortion of female fetuses has changed in recent years across different birth orders. We sought to document the trends in missing female births, particularly among second and third children, at national and state levels.
