

Applied Clay Science, Volume 214, 15 November 2021

One of the main objectives of a sustainable development and circular economy is the recycling of by-products generated in industrial and agricultural production processes. One of the possible solution is the use of such by-product materials in the synthesis of environmental adsorbents.
Central figure summarizing the neuropsychological phenotypes in Barth syndrome, along with an overarching research question; both direct and indirect impacts of mitochondrial dysfunction induced by cardiolipin deficiency are likely at play.

Mitochondrion, Volume 61, November 2021

Barth syndrome (BTHS) is a rare X-linked multisystem mitochondrial disease. It is caused by variants of the TAFAZZIN gene leading to abnormal cardiolipin. Normal cardiolipin is crucial for proper mitochondrial structure and function. This article reviews the little-discussed, but significant neuro/psychological aspects of BTHS and discusses potential pathogenic mechanisms and avenues for further research.

The Journal of Climate Change and Health, Volume 5, 2022, 100092

As both COVID-19 and climate change crises converged and even contributed to each other, a much older crisis reemerged: structural racism and the policy stagnation that refuses to address it. 

The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Volume 21, November 2021

An article, in the context of SDG 3, analysing the risk of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias across a range of hospital-treated bacterial and viral infections in two large cohorts.

The Lancet Neurology, Volume 20, November 2021

An article on treatment for Alzheimer's disease, in the context of SDG 3, focusing specifically on whether an angiotensin II receptor antagonist can reduce brain volume loss.

e-Prime, 2021, 100002

This article aims to present and discuss the energy and environmental reality in the building sector and critically investigate the future pathways towards its decarbonisation.
Health consideration scores of nationally determined contributions. A maximum of 15 points can be achieved.
Human health is irrevocably linked to the health of our planet. Failure to address the root causes of climate change will lead to exponential human and ecological harm.

The Lancet Public Health, Volume 6, October 2021

A Comment on the collective action required to tackle the environmental crisis, in the context of SDGs 12, 13, and 17, calling for a limit to increases in average global temperatures, a halt in the destruction of nature, and the protection of health to be prioritised.
Elsevier, Computers in Industry, Volume 131, October 2021
Blockchain technology promises to improve the efficiency, transparency, and accountability of humanitarian operations. Yet at the same time, especially the humanitarian context with its characteristic volatility poses unique challenges to any technology. Most prominent are the humanitarian principles that are fundamental to humanitarian operations. These ethical principles are set to protect the most vulnerable populations. Designing blockchain projects in the humanitarian context therefore requires a systematic framework that helps humanitarians make critical choices.
