
Elsevier, Wellbeing, Space and Society, Volume 2, January 2021
In 2006, the National Health Service commenced with assuming responsibility for the delivery and commissioning of mental healthcare services in prisons within the UK. Previous research has indicated that some prison environments may present challenges to the delivery of mental healthcare for prison populations. The present study aimed to explore the experiences of staff working in NHS offender health teams to identify the sources of adversity that frontline staff may encounter when providing mental healthcare in prison settings.
Elsevier, Wellbeing, Space and Society, Volume 2, January 2021
Suffering has been a topic of considerable discussion in the fields of medicine and palliative care, yet few studies have reported causal evidence linking the experience of suffering to health and well-being. In this three-wave prospective cohort study, we explore the potential psychological implications of suffering during the COVID-19 pandemic by examining relations among suffering, mental health, and psychological well-being in a sample of U.S. adults living with chronic health conditions.
Elsevier, Current Research in Food Science, Volume 4, January 2021
Non-destructive testing techniques have gained importance in monitoring food quality over the years. Hyperspectral imaging is one of the important non-destructive quality testing techniques which provides both spatial and spectral information. Advancement in machine learning techniques for rapid analysis with higher classification accuracy have improved the potential of using this technique for food applications. This paper provides an overview of the application of different machine learning techniques in analysis of hyperspectral images for determination of food quality.
Elsevier, Current Research in Food Science, Volume 4, January 2021
This study was conducted to assess the self-reported and observed food safety practices (FSP) of food handlers, who deliver food products that are prepared and cooked at home during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines. 751 participated in the online survey who were selected using criterion sampling. A questionnaire developed by the researcher was used to gather data with Cronbach Alpha of 0.91. t-test, ANOVA, and Fleiss kappa were performed to treat data.
Elsevier, Food Quality and Preference, Volume 87, January 2021
The consumption of meat contributes significantly to undesirable effects on the environment. In order to reduce the impact of animal husbandry, one approach is to decrease meat consumption by substituting plant-based meat alternatives. Because the consumption of such meat alternatives is currently rather low, the aim of this research was to identify the barriers that keep people from consuming meat alternatives and increase the probability of future consumption.
Elsevier, Trends in Food Science and Technology, Volume 107, January 2021
Background: Fake meat industry is expected to grow and to be worth $140 billion by 2030. Alternative protein can be produced by plant or microbe. Animal-free dairy protein can be produced by fermentation in microflora. Scope and approach: In order to improve the real production, many companies are focusing on fermentation for animal-free meat, eggs, and dairy respectively. Key findings and conclusions: However, their production capabilities, efficiencies, and costs are not available in public respectively. This paper reports briefly what is going on in sustainable protein alternatives.
Elsevier, The Lancet, Volume 397, 9 January 2021
Translations: For the Chinese, French, German, and Spanish translations of the abstract see Supplementary Materials section.

Agricultural Water Management, Volume 243, 1 January 2021

Water harvesting techniques have shown promising outcomes in mitigating risks, increasing yields and delivering positive influences on other ecosystems. A field study was conducted in Northern Jordan to assess the influence of combined in-situ water harvesting techniques, micro-catchment and mulching on soil moisture content, plant morphology, gas exchange [photosynthesis (Pn), transpiration (E), and stomatal conductance (gs)] and midday stem water potential (Ψsmd) of young pistachio (Pistacia vera cv. Ashori) trees.


Blood, Volume 137, 7 January 2021

The term “benign ethnic neutropenia” describes the phenotype of having an absolute neutrophil count (ANC)
