

Journal of Responsible Technology, Volume 14, July 2023

In addressing the SDGs in general, the authors pose the question, “What is the potential role of SDGs as an accountability mechanism?”. A case study approach using interviews is taken to examine how certain organisations may use the SDGs as an accountability mechanism, and whether or not meaningful accountability is actually being achieved. It is concluded that the full opportunities offered by the SDGs are not yet in full use.
The United States Supreme Court's landmark decision to strike down race-based admissions programs in higher education has far-reaching implications which also extend to the workplace. This article discusses ways this ruling may affect corporate diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) program and also embolden some states to take further aim at DEI initiatives, and in so doing promote SDGs 5, 8 and 10.

Journal of Climate Change and Health, Volume 12, 1 July 2023

This article advances SDG # 3, 13, and 15 by demonstrating a clear increase in heat-related illness incidence that parallels the temperature elevations from climate change.

Journal of Climate Change and Health, Volume 12, 1 July 2023

This article advances SDG # 3, 8, 10, 13 and 16. The study from authors in Ghana detail the effects of climate change on workers’ health and productivity, especially those in lower income jobs and without policy or regulatory protections. It demonstrates that climate change affects both health and ability to work, with potentially serious humanitarian and economic consequences.

Cell Reports Physical Science, Volume 4, 19 July 2023

Heavy duty freight transportation is a key part of global transportation, but is a large contributor to growing CO2 emissions. Here the authors design an on-board system for heavy duty vehicles to capture CO2 as it is released. This supports SDGs 7 (reducing CO2 emissions toward clean energy), 9 (modifications to existing vehicles to mitigate carbon emissions) and 13 (reducing emissions that contribute to climate change).

Best Practice and Research: Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Volume 89, July 2023

This article highlights the risks of a polluted environment on reproductive health, especially via the food system.

Journal of Climate Change and Health, Volume 12, 1 July 2023

Despite increasing attention to the mental health impacts of climate change, an absence of a clear, cross-sectoral agenda for action has held back progress against the dual and interconnected challenges of supporting human and planetary health. This study aims to serve as an essential first step to address this gap.

Ocean Modelling, Volume 183, June 2023

This paper develops a coupling between SWAN and Thetis models to account for wave–current interactions occurring by the co-existence of wave and current flows. The different grids and time-steps employed by the model components allow greater flexibility. The two models run consecutively, and communicate internally to exchange the necessary parameters. These are the significant wave height, mean wave direction, mean wavelength and percentage of wave-breaking calculated by SWAN necessary for calculating radiation stress and wave roller effects, while Thetis provides water elevation and current velocity fields.

Ocean Modelling, Volume 183, June 2023

This paper is particularly relevant to investigations into the spread of organisms that remain close to shore over timescales of days-to-weeks, e.g., the spread of marine non-native species and pathogenetic parasites, but is equally relevant to simulations tracking the dispersal of eDNA or coastal pollutants such as oil and plastics.
