

Urban Governance, 2022,


The paper presents policy responses to the pandemic that illustrate how the crisis has opened opportunities for initiating changes that can lead to a more just food system.

One Earth, Volume 5, 18 March 2022

This article demonstrates that, by actively engaging in the interdependent phases of recognizing hybridity, enabling conditions for reflexivity and partnership building, 'inclusivity' tensions can not only be acknowledged but softened and, in some cases, reframed when managing for biodiversity, equity, and justice goals.

The Lancet Global Health, Volume 10, March 2022

This Comment article supports SDG 3, 13, and 17 by advocating the creation of a new model of multilateral governance on the basis of the experience gained in two other areas of global public goods governance—climate change and biodiversity.
Elsevier, Heliyon, Volume 8, March 2022
Pollution by polymeric materials - in particular plastics - has a negative effect on the health of our planet. Approximately 4.9 billion tons of plastic are estimated to have been improperly disposed of, with the environment as their final destination. This scenario comes from a linear economic system, extraction-production-consumption and finally disposal.

The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 2022, ISSN 2213-2600

A News article on the unfolding health and humanitarian crisis due to the conflict in Ukraine, in the context of SDGs 3 and 16, focusing specifically on the health of displaced citizens.
Graphical abstract
Conversion of CO2 to valuable chemicals such as polymers via the electrochemical reduction of CO2 to formate followed by the formate to oxalate coupling reaction (FOCR) is an interesting concept to replace fossil feedstocks with renewable ones.

International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Volume 87, March 2022

Do immigrants suffer extra mental health problems? Is there a way to improve the mental health of first and second generation immigrants?

Fuel Communications

Volume 11, June 2022, 100056

Of all the types of renewable energy, Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) market has been more supported and developed in Canada due to the lower project cost and the existing NG pipeline infrastructure.
